
Home Forums Products Stompboxes Tremolo

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    • #187681

        Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help out with the below.

        I cannot seem to get a good tremolo sound out of my H90. Neither the Harmonic Trem nor the Tremolo Pan sound very lush/deep despite having the depth maxed. It’s to the point where it’s difficult to tell that the effect is even activated (especially with the Harm Trem).

        I am running the H90 in mono (and not summing to mono, which I understand can diminish or eliminate the effect) but I am using it with the Duophony parallel mixer (however, that’s a new edition and the effects didn’t seem very strong before that).  If I go fully wet on the Duophony and max out the mix level, there is some throb on the tremolo pan but barely anything on the Harm Trem; but again, this is with the depth maxed out.

        I’ve watched several video demos of the H90 trems and they sound great so I think it’s something on my end that I don’t understand. I’ve included a screenshot of both trem settings.

        Thank you for any help.

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      • #187683
        Eventide Staff


          I would suggest working with one algorithm at a time, so to start, I would bypass one algorithm to really dial in the other. What does your routing presently look like? Is it series or parallel routing. You can see it by pressing the Routing LED button. I recommend using series routing so you’re not accidentally routing a copy of your signal next to something one of the effects.

        • #187684

            Hi Joe.  I am only running one at a time; I just have them in one program while I experiment with the algos.

          • #187685
            Eventide Staff

              I’m using your settings currently in series and anymore throbbing and I think I’m going to go insane. Make sure you’re not using things in parallel.

            • #187686
              Eventide Staff

                I don’t have a Duophony but since it’s a parallel mixer, I suspect you’re running into the same issues as if you’d be running any of the tremolo algorithms in a parallel routing on the H90. See if you’re happy with the trems on the H90 in series first without putting your signal through the Duophony. Then figure out what mix of that signal has to be going through the GFI in the chain to give you the results you’re after.

              • #187687

                  Thanks Joe! That did the trick.  I was running them in parallel; but again, I was just trying to test out each algorithm separately. Once I put it in series (with one bypassed) it worked great. I was planning on putting a reverb in one of the slots and running them in series or parallel; however, once I add a reverb to one of the slots the tremolo instantly loses its depth.  Is that normal? Are there any other effects that wouldn’t work well with reverb (either in parallel or series)?

                • #187688
                  Eventide Staff

                    Yes, that’s normal because a reverb by its very nature uses several delayed copies of the signal to prolong the sound, so it maintains the essence of the original signal going eventhough it may be 100% wet. If you want to experiment with a reverb in parallel, I would suggest running the reverb 100% wet and lowering, or controlling the volume of the reverb using its output gain. You’ll find that at lower output gain settings you begin to hear a more pronounced tremolo effect. When using it in series, how about putting the tremolo after the reverb? Then, set reverb’s Mix setting to taste to get a good balance of trem and verb all in one.

                  • #187689

                      Thanks Joe for the prompt responses – very helpful!

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