Tweaks – how many can I have in a preset?

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    • #105517


        Got my H80000FW this past July. What a magnificent machine! Vsig gives me the control I've never been able to achieve with any other processor. I've been working with the H80000FW midi racks presets, deleting effects and adding others as needed, and getting the new effects to have tweaks like the originals.

        Through trial and error I've been pretty successful – but I'm finding I could use 20 tweaks per preset instead of 10. I seem to recall reading that using tweaks is not very resource intensive unless there are a lot of tweaks. My question is – what is "a lot " – can I use 20 (or even 30) tweaks per preset without impacting available resources too much? Will that many tweaks slow down responsiveness to tweak changes via midi?



      • #117274

         Hi George

        your enthusiasm is good! Thanks.

        In theory the TWEAK knob could be brought up to a max of 50…BUT all connected knobs/monitors/etc should then be expanded….

        This can end up in a resource sygasm! There is no real way to know which is the real max number you can get as each preset can have slightly different resources needs.

        Other than trying in Vsig and loading on the unit….there's no way to know.

        Please let us know where did you get to, with Tweaks!


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