UltraChannel 2.0.15

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    • #111832
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Everyone,

      Here is an UltraChannel 2.0.15 update which fixes a couple problems.







      Release Notes for UltraChannel 

      Version 2.0.15

      1. Fixed several bugs related to session tempo and session restore when tempo sync is on.

      2. Fixed default install location for 32 bit Windows VST.

      Version 2.0.9

      1. Fixed various issues related to Delay loading, tempo sync, and control.

      2. Fixed an issue where EQ wouldn't pass audio, or would oscillate on plug-in load in some very rare cases.

      3. Fixed pop on plug-in instantiation or session load if XFormer was engaged.

      4. Improved session tempo compatibility with Logic

      5. Fixed an issue which was causing extreme CPU loading on some processors in some DAWs

      6. Corrected typos and improved User Guide



    • #126465

      Hello Dan _

      This is cool, these updates and improve a plug-in but I'm with Digital Performer 8.06 under LION 10.7.5. and the last two versions, Ultrachannel freezes when changing presets .
      Sometimes it mutes the processed file and display patches remains, even after closing Ultrachannel.

      My projects are not heavy loud and I compensate with Buffer setting to 512 but nothing, no improvements.
      It was better with the first versions with Digital Performer 8 (Audio Unit format) but now this version is unusable .

    • #126471
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Geronimo,

      We're not able to reproduce this issue here.  Which preset file are you loading which causes the problem?  Can you email this file to support@eventide.com?

      Thank You,
      Dan Gillespie 

    • #137137

      I solved the problem by removingt the Virtual Instrument D16 Group, greedy (LUSH-101). Result lying on an audio track and the Ultrachannel work  fine .
      Sorry for the false alarm _


    • #137143
      Eventide Staff

      I'm glad to hear it.  Enjoy the plug-in.

    • #137146

      Yes, it's a good gift _

    • #137165

      Well, after installing the 2.0.15 version UltraChannel could not work on my old Logic 5.30 (PC), whereas the previous version, it worked very well. Now I have an error message: "Error Code 193 was returned 'by ASIO Driver". Note that I have a pilot Asio4all V2 and that so far there was no problem. Equally, it also does with the old versio, 2.05. Someone of you have solution?Tongue Tied

    • #137166

      Well, after installing the 2.0.15 version UltraChannel could not work on my old Logic 5.30 (PC), whereas the previous version, it worked very well. Now I have an error message: "Error Code 193 was returned 'by ASIO Driver". Note that I have a pilot Asio4all V2 and that so far there was no problem. Equally, it also does with the old versio, 2.05. Someone you it the solution?Tongue Tied

    • #137173
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Seagull30,

      I'm not sure what the Asio4all error codes mean.  However, I just checked and version 2.11 has been released, is this the version that you're running?




    • #137178

      Hi, I've seen my Asio driver and it's the 2.11 version. I tried to insert UltraChannel but it's not working (always the same error message). Have you the solution to debug this ?



    • #137195
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Yves,

      Unfortunately, I haven't seen this error before so I'm having a hard time knowing how to fix it.  Do you receive this error upon instantiating the plug-in or when you hit play?  Do you ever see this error when UltraChannel is not instantiated?  Do you see this error when you use a different audio driver?



    • #137196

      The version I downloaded and installed was that of the promo Eventide (free license). The latter worked perfectly with my Asio driver (asio4all V2). It was only when I installed the latest version of UltraChannel I got this error message, and this as soon as I insert an audio track on my DAW (Logic Audio Platinum 5.30 for PC) . In addition, I had used on mix and it no longer works on songs master where he was inserted. I have not tried with another driver Asio but I think the problem would be the same, unless the latest version of Asio4All not be compatible. I specify that my OS is Windows 8 Maybe it comes from. If you have the solution, it would be great because this plug in is very helpful to me in my mix, and more. That said, I will try with Windows XP Pack 3, you never know!
      Thank you in advance for your help
      best regards

    • #137197
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Yves,

      I think that what is happening is more complicated than just the plug-in because the error seems to come from your asio driver.  The plug-in itself should not cause the driver to throw an error.  Perhaps the problem is related to the buffer size you are using?  Can you try to increase the buffer size in Logic and see if that fixes your problem?

      Just for kicks I downloaded asio4all 2.11 and tried it on my Windows 7 machine and it works fine with UC.

    • #137199

      So I just tried on my Logic version 5.51 installed on my old computer running XP SP3 and UltraChannel works perfectly. I wonder if the bug does not come from version 5.30 on Windows 8, since we can not run the 5.51 version of Logic with this OS (!!!!). However, I'm afraid to reinstall the 5.30 version on my computer, for fear of losing or having to reinstall all my plugs in!
      And even with version 2.10 of Asio4all, I still have the same error message. So if anyone has a solution for both problems …..!
      best regards
      YvesTongue Tied

    • #137201
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Yves,

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Logic 5 is over 12 years old and Windows 8 is brand new.  I'm really very surprised that any version of Logic 5 runs on Windows 8.

      While supporting our products and customers is very important to me, there's just nothing I can do to help you with your set-up.

      I'm sorry,


    • #137202

      Hi Dan,

      Indeed, it is amazing but the 5.30 version of Logic works perfectly with Windows 8! That said, as UltraChannel works fine on my other computer (XP SP3), I'll finish the audio mix on this one. What seems odd to me when the same is that it worked fine on Logic 5.30 in Windows 8 and this has bugged when I installed the update! But I'm not desperate to find why and how!Wink
      Again thank you for your help and if you find a solution, it will be very welcome!
      best regards

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