UltraChannel Activation Error

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    • #112177


      I had the same problem, as the guy in the post before me:


      Same message and eveything. Now i upgraded to the latest version of the plugin, and now i get another error message, saying: "Bad Machine Bindings For Software License"

      And the plugin doesn't start ofcourse. 

      I have latest PACE iLOK license manager, and it says everything is fine with my license.  

      Im using windows 8.1 with Bitwig and Studio One. error appears in both. 

      Can someone help me please? 

    • #127291
      Eventide Staff

        Hi Wertigo,

        Can you contact support@eventide.com with your iLok.com account name and which plug-in you're having the problem with?  Let Jerome know to just send it to me and I'll contact PACE.



      • #141032

          Did you find the answer? I’m getting the same error for another plugin.

        • #141038
          Eventide Staff

            Hi vadymmyk-

            Sorry to hear you're having this issue. A few questions:

            -What OS are you using?

            -What is the plug-in/is it the latest version?

            -Do you have the newest iLok Manager installed?


            As a preliminary suggestion, I would use iLok Manager to remove the license from your device, reinstall the plug-in, and then move the license back to your iLok/computer.




          • #141228



            I think i had to deactivate it and than activate it trough the process which pops up in your DAW, and not trough the separate ilok application.

          • #141237

              Well, I found the solution in downloading the latest UCh software. Worked for me. The plugin version I had before was out of date and maybe that’s why it didn’t work on my Windows 10. Which is strange, because the newest versions of Soundtoys plugins don’t work at all, but the old ones yes. Strange, so strange… And yes, I did everything, activating/desactivating it in all the kamasutra poses and combinations.

            • #141254
              Eventide Staff

                I'm glad you guys both got it working.


                The older version was wrapped with an older version of PACE which had some potential problems.  The new version should not cause this any more.




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