Ultrachannel and ilok

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    • #113149

        I’m very interested in the current deal on Ultrachannel, but I want to try the demo first.  The system requirements for Ultrachannel state that no iLok is required.  Unfortunately, to get the demo, I have to put in an iLok account (which I don’t have).

        Is there a way around this?





      • #142070
          aaronestes wrote:

           Unfortunately, to get the demo, I have to put in an iLok account (which I don't have).

          Is there a way around this?

          No, Eventide uses the iLok system for license management.  So, you don't need to have an iLok dongle, but you will need to have an iLok account and download the iLok license manager application.

        • #142120

            just to let you know I was in the same situation. But ilok manager is free and it seems fairly straightforward so I gave it a go- installed it no hasle, got the demo no hassle and I’ve now bought ultrachannel – it’s worth it to me for the microshift alone.

          • #142125

            Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth it. I’ve had UltraChannel for over a year now, and the iLok license manager has been giving me grief. Sometimes when you place it in your effect chain, you get a message saying:

            Activation Error: The licensing service required to activate this software is not running. Please reinstall the product or download and run the iLok License Manager installer here: http://www.ilok.com

            When this happens, you have to uninstall the previous license manager, restart your computer, then install the new version, restart your computer again, and then reopen your project and hope it works. That’s happened four times to me. Maybe you have more patience than me, but it’s sad that obnoxious DRM has crippled an otherwise useful plugin. I rarely use it now. 


            • #142130
                niedec wrote:

                Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth it. I’ve had UltraChannel for over a year now, and the iLok license manager has been giving me grief. Sometimes when you place it in your effect chain, you get a message saying:

                Activation Error: The licensing service required to activate this software is not running. Please reinstall the product or download and run the iLok License Manager installer here: http://www.ilok.com

                When this happens, you have to uninstall the previous license manager, restart your computer, then install the new version, restart your computer again, and then reopen your project and hope it works. That’s happened four times to me. Maybe you have more patience than me, but it’s sad that obnoxious DRM has crippled an otherwise useful plugin. I rarely use it now. 


                I had the same intermittant/sporadic issues with the iLok software—sometimes the service gets turned off (Windows updates?  Other program installations?), even if it’s set to “Automatic”, and needs to be restarted.  Restarting the service will save you uninstall-reboot-reinstall-reboot-reauthorize aggravation and time, and takes less than minute.  The following tip, from SeaGTGruff on the HomeRecording Forum, has been a sanity saver for me:


                Control Panel -> System & Security-> Administrative Tools -> Services –> (Highlight) PACE License Services-> RESTART


                Good luck






            • #142140
              Eventide Staff

                Thanks for the tip, Paj!

              • #142142

                  No problem. BTW, Reaper didn’t find my Ultrachannel in the default (Steinberg) folder so I reinstalled it to the VSTPlugins folder in the C:Programs directory and everything is good. Looking forward to using this plugin.


                • #142148

                  Wow. Paj, you wren’t kidding when you described your process as a sanity-saver. Thanks for all the help. 🙂

                  • #142158
                      niedec wrote:

                      Wow. Paj, you wren’t kidding when you described your process as a sanity-saver. Thanks for all the help. 🙂

                      Happy to pass it on. The tip was given to me by SeaGTGruff on the HomeRecording.com forum after I posted a “Is it just me?” thread because I was having iLok issues. BTW, the iLok issue was also, of course, affecting other vendors’ plugins from working and they didn’t necessarily give error messages that pointed to iLok, but iLok was what it was. I can’t yet say for sure but restarting the PACE services even seems to have a longer-lasting effect than the uninstal-reboot-reinstall-reboot-reauthorize hassle. It’s weird that the PACE website doesn’t reference this fix—I have the definite impression that it indeed is not just me.


                  • #142192
                    Eventide Staff

                      Hey Guys,


                      Are you using the latest iLok License Manager and UltraChannel installer?  I thought we (PACE and us) had fixed this issue with the error messages about 6 months ago, but if you're still seeing it with the latest stuff I will re-open a ticket with them.





                    • #142199

                        I personally have not experienced issues with UltraChannel and iLok. My issues have occurred with VSTi plugins and stand-alones from other vendors that use the iLok software, and the iLok License Manager software itself. The error message refers to a missing component. Restarting the PACE service via the Control Panel appears to work quicker and better than a complete uninstall-reinstall of the iLok software. I have been installing a lot of plugins, virtual instruments, DAW upgrades and adds-on, sound and sample libraries (Kontakt and SampleTank)—and, of course, every Win10 upgrade since its debut. At this point I can’t narrow down what is causing the PACE service to need restarting (even as it displays “Automatic” in the Control Panel).


                      • #142200

                          Yes and Yes.


                        • #142218
                          Eventide Staff

                            Thanks Paj,




                          • #142227

                            Just to chime in again, I got another  error message from iLok, this time with UVI Workstation:

                            Activation Error – F:VSTs, Plugins, etcUVIWorkstationVSTx64.dll

                            The licensing service required to activate this software is not running. Please reinstall the product or download and run the iLok License Manager installer here: 



                            I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit, service pack 1). It’s on a laptop (a Gateway NV55S). 

                          • #142228

                            Just to chime in again, I got another  error message from iLok, this time with UVI Workstation:

                            Activation Error – F:VSTs, Plugins, etcUVIWorkstationVSTx64.dll

                            The licensing service required to activate this software is not running. Please reinstall the product or download and run the iLok License Manager installer here: 



                            I’m running Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit, service pack 1). It’s on a laptop (a Gateway NV55S). 

                          • #142229

                              There’s an update available for UVI workstation. I haven’t had an iLok issue since I installed the update. I don’t know if that’s due to the update or a few previous Control Panel restarts.


                            • #142230

                                There’s an update available for UVI workstation. I haven’t had an iLok issue since I installed the update. I don’t know if that’s due to the update or a few previous Control Panel restarts.


                              • #142231
                                Eventide Staff

                                  Hi niedec,


                                  I remember that there were problems with UVI at the same time that we were dealing with them for UC.  I don't know much about their software, but I do know that the fix from PACE required the customer to update iLok License Manager, and required us to reapply the newest version and release our software.  So if there's an update from UVI that you haven't applied, this might fix your problem.  If there hasn't been a release from UVI in the last year or so, they may need to do a new release to fix the problem.




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