For the EQ section, I would like to request the following capability:
1. “Q” settings as low as 0.20 or even 0.15.
2. For the parametric bell curves to keep the true shape up to the Nyquist frequency, and not “tilting” with a quick rolloff towards the Nyquist frequency. The Nyquist side of the bell curve should just hit the wall, so to speak.
3. For the parametric bell curves to keep the true level up to the Nyquist frequency, and not “fade out” to lower than stated levels towards the Nyquist frequency.
4. An 18 and 24 db / octave lo/high cut setting.
5. 2nd band to have a “low shelf” available and the 4th band to have a “high shelf” available.
Probably #’s 2, 3, and 5 above are more important to me. #’s 1 and 4 would be more rarely needed, but nice to have.