UltraChannel ?s

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    • #161191

        Any plans for any new updates for UltraChannel?

        What would be the best way to use UltraChannel with Split EQ?

      • #161197
        Eventide Staff


          There are currently no plans for UltraChannel updates.

          As far as using UltraChannel with SplitEQ, I can’t say there is a “best” way to use it since it depends on what you are trying to achieve and how you use it. I would suggest experimenting with how you are routing the 2 plug-ins together. You may find that using SplitEQ before UltraChannel will help tame a signal before applying gate/compression, or you can try using SplitEQ after UltraChannel to fine-tune your EQ or add some sheen or width.

        • #164217

            No updates for UltraChannel?  Are you serious Eventide?  A graphical update at the very least.  I upgraded to the Anthology hoping it would boost interest in keeping your plugins updated.  Sad customer….


            • #164242
              Eventide Staff

                Sorry to hear that you are disappointed.

                Please be aware that we’re a small team and we can only devote our resources to a limited amount of projects at a time. We do make it a priority to keep our plug-ins updated, as can be seen with the UI and DSP updates to the Clockworks series of plug-ins.

                What I meant when I said there are no plans for UltraChannel updates, was that we do not have any updates on our roadmap currently. We’d like to update our older plug-ins to have better, resizable UIs, but I cannot provide any sort of timeline for when that may happen.

                Thanks for your patience and support as a customer.

              • #174488
                Eventide Staff

                  Sorry for the late response but just wanted to let you know that the UltraChannel UI has been greatly improved in the latest update.

              • #174481

                  on the official Eventide YouTube channel I see a video with the many presets ultrachannel has, but I only can find 4 folders (mix-produce-module routings-artists). These used to be organised by instrument, now it is a forest to look for a specific preset for an instrument. Is there a possibility to have access to the older presets folder files? Can someone share those?

                  Thanks in advance

                  • #174487
                    Eventide Staff

                      Sorry for the issues you are having. You should be able to access the individual instruments presets with the latest version of UltraChannel. Perhaps there was an issue with the installer.

                      Please try uninstalling the plug-in and running the latest installer, making sure the presets box is checked – https://www.eventideaudio.com/downloads/?product=UltraChannel

                      The uninstaller can be found at the location below:

                      Locate the uninstaller at: Start Menu->Control Panel->Programs and Features->Uninstall a Program

                      Locate the uninstaller at: /Applications/Eventide/Uninstallers/

                    • #174562

                        I have done exactly as you said, but still only 4 folders in Documents/Eventide/Ultrachannel/Presets

                        mix-produce-module routings-artists

                        Not the folders organised by instruments.

                        Is there a possibility you someone can send me these folders?

                      • #174570
                        Eventide Staff

                          Sorry that didn’t work for you. I’ve just emailed you directly with a link to the presets. Let me know if you have any other issues.

                        • #174583

                            Thank you so much!

                            World class service!


                            Just working on a difficult project, too big and too little time, so working with as little possible and top quality fx is crucial. Thanks Eventide! Thank you my friend.


                            Now waiting for the Clockwords or Anthology bundle, last promotion I was just a few hours late.

                            The presets help also a lot in my classes, students see very interesting starting points.

                          • #174592
                            Eventide Staff

                              You’re welcome, glad to hear that worked!

                          • #174532
                            Kenny Ellis


                            • #177096

                                I have the same folders as Leonaar has described and did try uninstalling and reinstalling without any luck. I was hoping you could send me the preset folders as well. Just in case it matters I am using Windows 11. Thank you 🙂

                                • #177141
                                  Eventide Staff

                                    I’ve just emailed you directly with a link to the presets. Let me know if that resolves the issue.

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