Ultrachannel Vs H3000 micropitch

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Ultrachannel Vs H3000 micropitch

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    • #166650

        Hello, I noticed that these plugins micropitch sounds a bit different from each other. Are they different? If not, what are the equivalent controls on the h3000 as the ultrachannel?



      • #166737
        Eventide Staff

          Hey Sebastian, they are indeed slightly different – the underlying pitch shifting algorithm differs between the two. Additionally, the UltraChannel controls map to the following, which you could set up in Factory to get close in sound:

          • Size controls shift amount – left channel shifts up, right channel shifts down
          • Depth controls delay time (slightly asymmetrically, left channel can be delayed slightly more than right channel)
          • Width controls the mix between left / right voices

          Hope that helps!

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