Unable to Max out either of my H9 Core Pedals

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    • #116218

       have been trying to max out one of my H9 core pedals without success. Both of my pedals are registered to my account. I have updated them to the latest firmware and synched them. When I go to the H9 update page https://www.eventideaudio.com/store/upgrade-h9 it says that the upgrade price is $0 as I have purchased 28 algorithms. If I select either pedal and click Buy now it it then updates and a paypal button appears when I click on that the screen greys out and an egg timer starts and the page stays like this indefinitely. 

      Can someone help me update one of my pedals so that I can take advantage of the plugin offer and get my pedals maxed out?


      Many thanks 

      Regards Pat 

    • #156451
      Eventide Staff
      peasey23 wrote:
      I have updated them to the latest firmware and synched them.

      Hi Pat, when you say you synced them, do you mean that you paired them to your device and went into the “Pedal” tab of H9 Control and clicked on “Sync algorithms on H9 with Server?”

    • #156456
      joecozzi wrote:
      Hi Pat, when you say you synced them, do you mean that you paired them to your device and went into the “Pedal” tab of H9 Control and clicked on “Sync algorithms on H9 with Server?”

      Hi Joe, Yes that is exactly what I did, I was trying to see if the pedal would synch all the algorithms. Someone from support has manually updated one of my pedals so I will try to synch them again and see if it works. 

      Many thanks for the swift response!

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