Unable to register a plugin

Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Unable to register a plugin

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    • #183388

        I just purchased Invigorate, and I’m not able to register it on the Eventide site. I’ve tried 4 times now, in three different browsers. Each time I enter my serial number, license key, and iLok ID, and click Register. The wheel spins for a second, and then nothing happens. The info I entered is still in the fields, and the plugin doesn’t show up under my registered plugins. Is there an issue with the site currently?

        Furthermore, this all seems very unnecessary. I purchased the plugin on your site, so shouldn’t your site be aware of my purchase and automatically put it in my account instead of making me do it? It would be awesome if this was enabled in the future.


      • #183389
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry for the issues you are having.

          The best option is to email support@eventide.com and provide your plug-in license and iLok info, and we can help you further there.

        • #183390

            Thanks. Done.

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