Unable to update MODFACTOR Software

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    • #112931

      Hope I’m not creating a repeated post but couldnt find what I was after.

      I have modfactor and I’m trying to run the update software. It finds it but doesnt list available updates or previous versions. I’ve tried on windows, two different Macbooks and no difference.

      I am I missing something? Is it not available for my pedal?

    • #140990
      hairy_justin wrote:

      Hope I’m not creating a repeated post but couldnt find what I was after.

      I have modfactor and I’m trying to run the update software. It finds it but doesnt list available updates or previous versions. I’ve tried on windows, two different Macbooks and no difference.

      I am I missing something? Is it not available for my pedal?


      Working now thanks everyone just kept trying, maybe something to do with registration?

      • #140991
          hairy_justin wrote:

          Working now thanks everyone just kept trying, maybe something to do with registration?

          There was probably a short lived server problem…

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