Undo Button and Preset Browser in H9 Control

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    • #114845

        Eventide developers, can you make this possible???

        I’ve been using for three years now the H9’s as external processors in my workflow and I use a lot the H9 Control in my computer. 

        It would be sweet to have this “plug-in like” functionality in the software

        Hope that I can reach more users that think alike


      • #149801

          Hi, it is a real nightmare trying to find a preset using H9 control. There are 49 (up to now) algorithms and each of them can hold as many presets as one wish, the problem is how to trace them. Emote, the control software for the H9000, includes a browser! Why can’t Eventide then include this feature as part of H9 Control? Emote could be a more sophisticated software but the browser is just the most basic feature of any software. I don’t know if there is an UNDO script in Emote but also think is a feature that could save our work from accidents. But please, BROWSING/SEARCHING is really necessary.


          vyanezf wrote:

          Eventide developers, can you make this possible???

          I’ve been using for three years now the H9’s as external processors in my workflow and I use a lot the H9 Control in my computer. 

          It would be sweet to have this “plug-in like” functionality in the software

          Hope that I can reach more users that think alike


          • #150378

              Nice to know you think the same!
              Anyone else?

              openmusic wrote:

              Hi, it is a real nightmare trying to find a preset using H9 control. There are 49 (up to now) algorithms and each of them can hold as many presets as one wish, the problem is how to trace them. Emote, the control software for the H9000, includes a browser! Why can’t Eventide then include this feature as part of H9 Control? Emote could be a more sophisticated software but the browser is just the most basic feature of any software. I don’t know if there is an UNDO script in Emote but also think is a feature that could save our work from accidents. But please, BROWSING/SEARCHING is really necessary.


              vyanezf wrote:

              Eventide developers, can you make this possible???

              I’ve been using for three years now the H9’s as external processors in my workflow and I use a lot the H9 Control in my computer. 

              It would be sweet to have this “plug-in like” functionality in the software

              Hope that I can reach more users that think alike


            • #150386
              Herr Mosa


                vyanezf wrote:
                Nice to know you think the same! Anyone else?

                openmusic wrote:

                Hi, it is a real nightmare trying to find a preset using H9 control. There are 49 (up to now) algorithms and each of them can hold as many presets as one wish, the problem is how to trace them. Emote, the control software for the H9000, includes a browser! Why can’t Eventide then include this feature as part of H9 Control? Emote could be a more sophisticated software but the browser is just the most basic feature of any software. I don’t know if there is an UNDO script in Emote but also think is a feature that could save our work from accidents. But please, BROWSING/SEARCHING is really necessary.


                vyanezf wrote:

                Eventide developers, can you make this possible???

                I’ve been using for three years now the H9’s as external processors in my workflow and I use a lot the H9 Control in my computer. 

                It would be sweet to have this “plug-in like” functionality in the software

                Hope that I can reach more users that think alike


              • #150387

                  Apparently Eventide developers think this is a minor issue.

                  SEARCHIING/BROWSING is not an add-on is a MUST for any digital resource but no comments from their side, It would be nice to hear from them 😉

                  Let’s see if that anyone else shows up…

                  vyanezf wrote:
                  Nice to know you think the same! Anyone else?

                  openmusic wrote:

                  Hi, it is a real nightmare trying to find a preset using H9 control. There are 49 (up to now) algorithms and each of them can hold as many presets as one wish, the problem is how to trace them. Emote, the control software for the H9000, includes a browser! Why can’t Eventide then include this feature as part of H9 Control? Emote could be a more sophisticated software but the browser is just the most basic feature of any software. I don’t know if there is an UNDO script in Emote but also think is a feature that could save our work from accidents. But please, BROWSING/SEARCHING is really necessary.


                  vyanezf wrote:

                  Eventide developers, can you make this possible???

                  I’ve been using for three years now the H9’s as external processors in my workflow and I use a lot the H9 Control in my computer. 

                  It would be sweet to have this “plug-in like” functionality in the software

                  Hope that I can reach more users that think alike


                • #150388
                  Eventide Staff
                    openmusic wrote:

                    SEARCHING/BROWSING is not an add-on is a MUST for any digital resource but no comments from their side, It would be nice to hear from them 😉

                    Let's see if that anyone else shows up…

                    We heard you. I cannot guarantee when will this be done, but I can tell you we will work on that.

                  • #150608

                      Thanks for the answer and hope to see that in the near future.

                      Just a quick one, the new H9 Control runs only in osx 10.8 onwards? I’m using osx 10.6.8 and rather stick to my version if new Control needs a new osx.

                      Thanks again!

                      bohan wrote:

                      openmusic wrote:

                      SEARCHING/BROWSING is not an add-on is a MUST for any digital resource but no comments from their side, It would be nice to hear from them 😉

                      Let’s see if that anyone else shows up…

                      We heard you. I cannot guarantee when will this be done, but I can tell you we will work on that.

                    • #150609
                        openmusic wrote:

                        Just a quick one, the new H9 Control runs only in osx 10.8 onwards? I'm using osx 10.6.8 and rather stick to my version if new Control needs a new osx.

                        Yes, we had to make a lot of deep changes to the app to support Android;  to make the app work with the Android compiler, we had to make some changes that meant it could no longer work on older versions of macOS.  I am happy that it still works on 10.8 and up;  for a while we thought 10.10 was the earliest OS we'd be able to support.

                    • #150385

                        I find the H9 control software quite hard to use in general. Drag-and-drop is especially frustrating. I wish it would work using the built-in iOS drag-and-drop frameworks.

                        Also, the app wastes a huge amount of space on the 12.9-inch iPad. The pedal panel is huge, way bigger than it needs to be, and yet the names in the presets list are truncated.

                      • #150470

                          A view with all the user presets by date or name across all algorithms would be great! I often setup a presets by song and have to look through several algorithm to find them as I have hundreds of songs in my H9.

                        • #152348

                            Loved the new harmadillo algo , wanted something that could help me out with some sidechain effects for live performances….. nailed it!

                            Reeeeally hope next time you consider at least the browser! I can’t explain enough how neccesary it has become in my performance and creative experience……. it has made me carry a notebook alongside just to find em’ quickly. And making preset lists can be anoying in some stages of the creative process.

                          • #152369

                              Well since the begining (one year and a half ago i think) i’ve been writing and rewriting and rewriting a long long mail to eventide that i never sent. I promise i will. i worked for it to be heard and read, although i’m french 😉

                              The content is all about ergonomy and H9 control. big every day’s frustration. i use PC and iphoneSE. none suits me. the way the H9 control software has been made…. well it exists… but how do we manage presets for sound research system with midi and multiple H9 ? Hahahahaha we shall not ask the question. None shall change anything. just buy ipad (no i won’t) and try to manage efficiently huge lists for multiple projects. still impossible, whatever is the device (pc, mac, ipad, iphone, android). separating tacile device software and laptop/homePC/HomeMAC software perhaps may help ? trying to make a “one to rule them all” soft is perhaps as usual a “bad for each” solution ? i don’t know that.

                              but a TRUE “Preset Browser” (excel board-like with parameters ? with one/two panels ? multiple selection feature ? one click parameter’s change for multiple presets ?…) is a MUST, a condition, a base, some kind of respect, some kind of attention, of empathy, …

                              make Eventide (product use) great again 🙂

                              this new preset browser shall be in top Eventide’s mainspring, no ?

                              (and a vst for H9…ok next time)


                              • #152376
                                Eventide Staff
                                  O2LAMJU wrote:

                                  How do we manage presets for sound research system with midi and multiple H9 ? Hahahahaha we shall not ask the question. None shall change anything. just buy ipad (no i won't) and try to manage efficiently huge lists for multiple projects. still impossible, whatever is the device (pc, mac, ipad, iphone, android). 

                                  You can use USB to connect to multiple H9s on your PC. Then you may easily manage/import/export preset lists between your H9s and H9 Control. The USB cannot work with MIDI simultineously. That's because we use USB MIDI protocol to communicate with H9. H9 can either use USB or MIDI connectors to transmit MIDI messages. However, you may still adjust the MIDI settings for different H9s in your H9 Control.

                                  O2LAMJU wrote:

                                  but a TRUE "Preset Browser" (excel board-like with parameters ? with one/two panels ? multiple selection feature ? one click parameter's change for multiple presets ?…) is a MUST, a condition, a base, some kind of respect, some kind of attention, of empathy, …

                                  Preset browser is a feature that has been requested by many users. We will surely consider that. 

                              • #154840


                                  Maybe the browser is on the menu next update… but I would like to emphazise that an UNDO function has been my dream, ever since I work with both my H9s in my production chain (sends via external mixer).

                                  I was wondering if it where possible to consider a “pluggin-like” version of H9 CONTROL, maybe like Elektron’s Overbrigde…., with automation controls for a DAW……… just a thought…… I know there´s more like me who’d love to grab such a tool in the near future.

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