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April 29, 2014 at 1:40 pm #111576
ParticipantIs there anything in the works for a univibe effect to be in the h9? I'd say its a very important!!
May 3, 2014 at 3:55 pm #125849
Member[crickets chirping]
Yeah, a convincing and realistic Uni-Vibe algo has been requested for years, basically since the initial release of the ModFactor. Just search the forum archives and you'll see for yourself. One would think this would be a priority with the H9, but Eventide seems either unwilling or unable to develop such an algo. (Don't feel bad, Big E, I find the Fulltone, MXR and other Uni-Vibes to be pale imitations of the original Shin-ei as well.)
May 3, 2014 at 8:22 pm #125853
ParticipantPeople have posted various presets for a Univibe sound using the Phaser algorithm on the gearpage. Have you all tried those? I'd be interested in hearing how they measured up to your expectations.
For example here's one from the H9 Owners thread
* Ken replied on 24 Mar 2009 11:48 PM rated by 0 users
ModRate=.25×5How does this measure up to your expectations? A lot of people have been asking for a Univibe. I guess we need to gauge whether people think they can get close enough to the sound they want with one of the current algorithms or do we need a dedicated Univibe algorithm?
May 4, 2014 at 5:02 pm #125863
MemberFair enough, gkellum. Since I threw the gauntlet down…
Yes, I've tried the Lou-nivibe (12:2) in the ModFactor as well as the Fulltone and MXR models against a vintage (borrowed) Shin-ei Uni-Vibe and my own home-built unit based upon the original circuitry. All "challengers" sound flatter with not as much lumpiness or lop-sidedness even with the intensity turned to maximum. They're not bad, they just don't go far enough into the hippy, trippy territory.
The original Shin-ei Uni-Vibe was a four-stage phaser which employed light-sensitive resistors (LSRs) driven by a lamp and LFO to control the phase sweeps. The first three cascaded stages had the same notch frequency while the fourth had a slightly higher notch and didn't sweep as far (it also buffered the phased signal before hitting the mixer). Since the LSRs were not matched (as far as I know), the sweeping was slightly different which created pleasant beat frequencies that a two-stage simply cannot recreate. All the other remakes (with the exception of the out-of-production Dunlop Uni-Vibe which copied the original circuit including the LSRs) use FETs which, while having a similar transfer function as the LSRs, are too close in their variances/tolerances to create the sometimes-very intense beats of the original.
Perhaps if the phaser algorithm was expanded to include four stages with "intentional" (and possibly controllable) variances in their notches and sweeps, the same level of warble and beating could be achieved.
May 6, 2014 at 1:21 pm #125871
ParticipantHi there,
I just compared that phaser patch against my Castledine SupraVibe (reckoned to be one of the more faithful univibe clones) to see how close they were… and the short answer is: they're absolutely nothing like each other. The vibe is a much stronger effect than the H9 patch, and a lot more interesting to listen to.
(I don't have a horse in this particular race: I'm quite content with my current setup and was doing this purely out of interest).
October 28, 2014 at 4:52 pm #137528
MemberSo I recently borrowed/stole another vintage Shin-ei Uni-Vibe from the studio where I work part time (equipment maintenance). All I can say is WHOA! My usual setting for Trower/Hendrix (and Gilmour) was waaaaaaay too aggressive and pronounced. Had to back the Intensity control down two full notches to get back to familiar territory.
In comparing this unit with my home-brewed clone (based upon the previous Shin-ei unit I borrowed/stole), the fixed component values didn't seem to be that far off even with 10% resistor and cap tolerances through 40 years of aging. Didn't beta test the transistors, obviously, but I would expect them to be similar. Using a 1 kHz sine wave as a test signal between this unit and my clone, it appears the second-stage phaser is "hotter" as is the fourth-stage phaser/vibrato section.
This reinforces my hypothesis that the LSRs were not matched originally and have gone through inconsistent aging, resulting in some units being "sweeter" than others with more pleasant lumpiness and lopsidedness from the beat frequencies. (Not a surprising result when comparing vintage gear built with looser components and, sometimes, what was available at the time.)
Back to the Lou-nivibe in the ModFactor (which I recently acquired again): in direct comparisons, it's just too "perfect" without the lumps! I don't know how else to describe it. Sure, it gets hippy trippy but no where near the stoner haze of yesteryear. IMHO, having the four stages with "adjustable sloppiness" for the modeled LSRs would provide the characteristic sound of the original and should justify a new algorithm for the H9. Thanks for your further consideration (and putting up with my rants).
October 30, 2014 at 5:29 am #137534
ParticipantMarcusm750, how about using two ModFactors or H9s to get four stages of effect? I also have been underwhelmed by the Lounivibe preset and phaser variations for a real univibe sound. Any suggestions for parameters for two units to achieve the effect you describe? Or, how about a combination of the phaser with another algorithm to induce the "wobble" to the oscillation? There is something of a contest for the best (truest) univibe effect on another very serious forum I frequent – – yes, ET Mothership, authentic univibe is a very desired retro effect eminently worthy of your emulation – – and I would love to be able to pop in with the clear winner from an H9 or two! Maybe this is yet another great reason for a dual engine "H99"…with a bigger display and more external controls!
October 30, 2014 at 9:25 pm #137539
MemberIt's a good idea, KCStratman, and one that I've thought of before to slake my insatiable lust of that Uni-Vibe sound. I think with four stages of phasing set slightly off from each other, the lumpiness I'm desperately seeking may present itself. The only thing holding me back is that I don't have a second ModFactor nor an H9 (yet!) to try this out. While the studio has a couple H3000s, they're older models and, more so, I think they'd notice the gaping hole in the rack. (I can't get the equipment manager to splurge for an Eclipse, not that he'd let me tuck it under my arm one evening!) They do have an MXR Auto-Phaser of dubious condition in the closet so perhaps I can see if it works to add to the ModFactor as a preliminary indicator of this potential.
November 2, 2014 at 3:32 pm #137554
MemberOK, so I nicked a friend's MXR Phase 45 to try with the ModFactor. For the few not in the know, the Phase 45 is a two-stage phaser with just a simple speed knob. Ran guitar –> Phase 45 –> ModFactor on default Lou-nivibe settings. Set the speed by ear as close to the 2.8 Hz of the Lou but, obviously, they're not in sync like in the real Uni-Vibe. It didn't really work, because they weren't in sync, but the results were quite interesting, even if over the top and too much. When the two would briefly sweep together, it was closer to the target sound than just the Lou alone. But when they were sweeping against each other, way too much fast w-w-w-w-w-warble. Similar to going to four stages via the Xnob on the Lou setting (even when the speed is reduced a bit).
It was an interesting experiment that really shows all four stages need to be swept together (as the four LSRs in the common light box driven from the one lamp ensures). With two ModFactors or two H9s, I'm not sure if tap tempo via MIDI would be the proper way to sync them. Even if this were possible, it may be too "perfect" as well since the slight differences in response times of the LSRs, while keeping the stages moving together, provide some variance to make the overall effect more rich and interesting. I've noticed too that when either the real-deal Uni-Vibe or my clone was engaged for some time, the effect would change (the speed seemed to increase ever so slightly) so I wonder if the lamp's response changes a little as it gets warmer over time.
Back to the drawing board to think about this some more. I guess I'll flip back to my Binson Echorec clone (four BBD delay lines with extended but equally-spaced times out to about 500 msec, toggle switches to select any combination of the four delays, cascaded FET preamp) for a while!
July 25, 2015 at 1:55 am #139893
Member+1 ………come on eventide give us a killer accurate univibe algo. Its one of the greatest effects ever produced.
July 30, 2015 at 10:31 pm #139968
It doesn’t look like this issue is going to go away. I’d like to have a great Univibe effect on the Modfactor and the H9.
August 5, 2015 at 4:28 am #140027
ParticipantI just sold my Dunlop Uni-Vibe, figuring I could get something close enough on the H9. I played around with the presets and settings in the phaser and rotary algorithms, but the Uni-vibe’s tone proved elusive. A really cool reference point for a Uni-vibe tone is Pink Floyd’s “Breathe In the Air.” Hwew is a version with the drums, bass, and vocals removed where you can really hear Gilmour’s tone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxjTwVN5w4Y
It would be pretty amazing to have a great Uni-Vibe tone on the H9.
August 5, 2015 at 2:14 pm #140029
Membergchilders wrote:I just sold my Dunlop Uni-Vibe, figuring I could get something close enough on the H9. I played around with the presets and settings in the phaser and rotary algorithms, but the Uni-vibe’s tone proved elusive. A really cool reference point for a Uni-vibe tone is Pink Floyd’s “Breathe In the Air.” Hwew is a version with the drums, bass, and vocals removed where you can really hear Gilmour’s tone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxjTwVN5w4Y
It would be pretty amazing to have a great Uni-Vibe tone on the H9.
I agree totally now if they would listen to the customer request’s ??? f.y.i..I tried a lot of univibes all the top units even the drybell. I thought the drybell sounded way to phasey finally picked up a jam pedal retrovibe.BINGO! the only one I found that was as good was the 500.00 voodoo vibe.
August 5, 2015 at 2:09 pm #140028
MemberI think its pretty silly that eventide has not brought a great univibe out yet. wonder what the problem is and why we have waited so long with tons of request seems no one is listening. the phaser algos will NEVER work its not even close. come on guys make this happen for your customers your Eventide for God’s sakes!!
f.y.i…Strymon has one, not that good but at least its there.
August 5, 2015 at 2:14 pm #140030
Memberits almost 2016 and still no univibe?
August 5, 2015 at 4:19 pm #140031
MemberNever been fan of univibe but I guess it would be nice (and simple for Eventide) to have one.
I like what they did with the DynaVerb algorithm in the Space that when you put the “decay” knob to 0 it becomes in the OmniPressor.
I guess they could do something like that in the Chorus or the Vibrato algorithm.
August 5, 2015 at 5:12 pm #140032
ParticipantRight now there's nothing to report on a possible UniVibe algorithm. Can't say much more than that but we are listening.
August 5, 2015 at 5:53 pm #140033
Membersomething like tc electronics new vibe effect would be cool should be easy cheesy for eventide to pull off and maybe give it a eventide spin with a panning left/right dual amp stereo feature. thanks glad your listening……… now about that Boss pn-2 type panning algo that would be awesome effect to add to any preset… 🙂
August 5, 2015 at 7:31 pm #140034
MemberEventide staff,
Thanks for reading and checking in. I’d like to comment again. I really don’t mean to sound contentious. I like Eventide products a lot, and you have no obligation to provide a product just because the customers ask for it. You make what you want to make, and we buy what we want to buy. But to say there is “nothing to report” and “we are listening” isn’t anything new or helpful. That is basically what Eventide said at the beginning of this thread more than a year ago.
I would like a nice Univibe effect. I would rather not have to add another pedal to my board to get it. It seems to make sense on the Modfactor and H9, but if you’re not going to do it, I would prefer that you just said that so I can move on.
- Is Eventide even working on a Univibe effect to add to one of the existing products? (Or a new product?)
- Is Eventide unable to produce a satisfactoy Univibe effect for some reason?
- Have you decided not to offer Univibe but just don’t want to make an announcement?
Just looking for clarity. Thanks.
August 6, 2015 at 9:28 pm #140048
ParticipantDFToone wrote:Just looking for clarity. Thanks.
I'm sorry it's been such a trial and that we haven't been able to say more. We're not trying to be coy or make life difficult, we just don't disclose what we are and aren't working on. There are a number of reasons why, but none of them are aimed at frustrating or ignoring a customer. I'm sure you understand. Maybe someone above my pay grade can answer your questions more directly.
August 6, 2015 at 12:11 am #140035
ParticipantFunny that today I decided to look for a Univibe effects pedal because I have not been happy with the Lounivibe preset. Just happen to see this post. Yes, I would like to see Eventide come out with a univibe algorithim. That would make life a lot sweeter!
August 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm #140170
ParticipantI’ll add in that I would love a univibe preset as well. Thanks to Eventide for listening! I’m sure they will be coming up with some new and great things for these awesome pedals! So happy with both of them on my board. Never had a better and easy to use setup!
Keep up the great work, Eventide and thanks for listening!
January 11, 2016 at 6:26 am #142110
MemberJust want to add my $.02 – as a happy owner of 2 H9 pedels ( Max+Standard) and one who is wanting an authentic univibe sound , I really don’t want to drop another $300+ to get “that sound”.
Heres the Challenge ….
Having read up on the original Univibe and having an understanding of both analog electronics (BSEE by degree) and DSP programming ( many years a coder and having managed a team of DSP coders) I realize the difficult engineering task it is to emulate the unique analog circuitry of a univibe in the digital domain. In fact, all of the currently manufactured “best of breed” univibes are ALL analog. (Note: The only decent, but not considered best of breed DSP/digital one that I have found is the one by TC)
From what I have observed EVENTIDE == Studio quality – best in breed effects .
Speculation …
My guess is that the R&D team has worked on and/or is working on it, but that the powers that decide what becomes a product have not been happy with the results and that it is still under development.
Finally I realize that all high tech companies never disclose what is in the development pipepline – legal departments never allow it 🙂
Ever Hopeful …
Having said all of that, I am sitting on the fence waiting hopeing that at the NAAM show that is in 2 weeks, EVENTIDE will make all of us insanely happy with an annoucement or I will have to go by one of the best in breed pedals while I continue to wait….
Thanks for letting me get this off of my chest 🙂
January 11, 2016 at 5:08 pm #142113
Memberkcardita wrote:Heres the Challenge ….
Having read up on the original Univibe and having an understanding of both analog electronics (BSEE by degree) and DSP programming ( many years a coder and having managed a team of DSP coders) I realize the difficult engineering task it is to emulate the unique analog circuitry of a univibe in the digital domain. In fact, all of the currently manufactured “best of breed” univibes are ALL analog. (Note: The only decent, but not considered best of breed DSP/digital one that I have found is the one by TC)
I think this must be true. I think Eventide would nail it if it were possible. They probably just have not been able to develop something that they wanted to put their name on.
February 9, 2016 at 7:44 pm #142498
ParticipantHi eventide staff,
are you working on a univebe algorith already? Last post from staff was a year ago, any good news?
thank you
March 7, 2016 at 1:43 am #142815
ParticipantAny News on a Univibe Algorithm?
Thank you
March 7, 2016 at 2:13 am #142816
MemberJust wanted to add my voice to those wanting a Univibe.
April 20, 2016 at 6:00 pm #143212
ParticipantAny news from staff working on univibe algorithm?
Thank you
April 30, 2016 at 11:00 pm #143248
ParticipantUniVibe, please, yeah.
Phaser can get to sund similar, but it only can do so much, cool but still dfferent.
When I’ve had the pleasure to Play an UniVibe I placed it before gain FX, so it could use an additional Comp fx for instance to make the algo even more desirable…
But really I’ve been looking for an Eventide UniVibe since I checked there wasn’t on in the Mod Factor. And no phaser tricks neider mixed resonat analog filters will make a proper UniVibe. Actually I’ve turned down many analog pedals claiming to be UVibes because they sounded like mere tuned phasers.
April 30, 2016 at 11:15 pm #143250
ParticipantPlease Staff, say something
May 9, 2016 at 3:21 am #143325
MemberAnother plug for a Univibe!
July 20, 2016 at 5:10 am #143870
MemberJust got the H9 Max. Sounds good so far, but I’d love a UniVibe!
August 9, 2016 at 4:20 am #144061
MemberCrickets Chirping…..
August 9, 2016 at 5:51 pm #144070
ParticipantI’m glad to know I’m not alone here.
I guess the old heavy Fulltone Mini-DejaVibe II Treadle will remain on my pedalboard a while longer.
I can’t live without my UniVive.
The Fulltone treadle style is a really good one and I’m guessing it will be a tough act for Eventide to follow.
Fingers crossed.
August 9, 2016 at 6:32 pm #144071
ParticipantSorry no one from Eventide has responded to this Univibe thread. We've been talking about it, and we're planning on having someone take a look at this and try to figure out how hard of a modeling problem this will be. This won't be our next algorithm, but given how many people have been asking for it, we're going to look into it.
August 9, 2016 at 6:41 pm #144072
Participantgkellum wrote:Sorry no one from Eventide has responded to this Univibe thread. We’ve been talking about it, and we’re planning on having someone take a look at this and try to figure out how hard of a modeling problem this will be. This won’t be our next algorithm, but given how many people have been asking for it, we’re going to look into it.
Thank you!!
October 6, 2018 at 6:38 pm #150260
Participantgkellum wrote:Sorry no one from Eventide has responded to this Univibe thread. We've been talking about it, and we're planning on having someone take a look at this and try to figure out how hard of a modeling problem this will be. This won't be our next algorithm, but given how many people have been asking for it, we're going to look into it.
As an owner of an original 60s unit (and a few Fulltone versions) I would add that the half phaser, half chorus effect is crucial to me. The Boss MD500 does a passable simulation which I ride with the expression pedal. It was arguably the thing that tipped me towards the Boss unit and away from others. That said, there’s a low end throb that isn’t there when the speed is high so there’s scope for improvement.
August 9, 2016 at 7:06 pm #144073
ParticipantGlad to see that Eventide is looking into users request. Hope to see something soon
August 9, 2016 at 10:30 pm #144074
ParticipantVery impressed with your willingness to engage with your customers.
January 26, 2017 at 11:12 pm #145602
ParticipantWell, it’s been over a 1/2 year since the last message about this…where are we at with the Uni-vibe algo???
May 1, 2017 at 6:09 pm #146270
MemberSurely they’ve looked into it by now???
Sean Meredith-Jones
http://www.seanmeredithjones.com -
May 2, 2017 at 12:58 am #146273
MemberYeah best to just go buy a retrovibe or vibe machine and be done with it. Digital univibe will never sound as good anyway,unless eventide proves us all wrong 🙂
May 2, 2017 at 3:34 am #146274
MemberI have the mjm sixties vibe big box version from several years ago but it’s a real estate hog… was hoping to gage an alternative to free up some space.
Sean Meredith-Jones
http://www.seanmeredithjones.comrlynch wrote:Yeah best to just go buy a retrovibe or vibe machine and be done with it. Digital univibe will never sound as good anyway,unless eventide proves us all wrong 🙂
May 6, 2017 at 12:02 am #146308
ParticipantYes, another vote. This would be a useful addition.
May 10, 2017 at 5:23 pm #146344
ParticipantI have to thiink that it is not possible for Eventide to get a high enough quality sound for a univibe algo.I am ok with that. I would rather have quuality over filler. I guess around a year ago I just went out and bought a Fulltone Deja Vibe.
May 11, 2017 at 12:53 am #146350
MemberI posted on this thread about a year ago — since then I have purchased a DryBell Vibe Machine — a most awesome analog vibe pedal. I got tired of waiting on Eventide.
I recently aquired a Fractal Audio Axe Fx II XL — it has a very usable digital vibe implementation. I am working a doing a side by side comparison video. So with enought DSP power and programming it can be done ……
May 15, 2017 at 12:38 pm #146378
ParticipantI recently bought an Atomic AMpliFIre guitar modeler and tried a very convincing UnivIbe patch submitted to the Atomic forum… it was explained that a univibe is basically a four stage phaser…it is certainly convincing playing Trower and Hendrix material, and I have gone thru a few lesser univibe pedals (MXR, Voodoo, Line 6, Lovepedal…). I don’t have my H9 yet but when I get it I’ll have a look see if I can replicate that AmpliFIre recipe for H9.
September 29, 2017 at 10:38 pm #147290
MemberId love a juicy thick Univibe algo. Please
October 5, 2017 at 2:11 pm #147345
ParticipantYears have passed and I’m still here ready to trigger the “ModFactor/H9 buy button” but lack of Univibe still forbid’s it!
btw in the meantime I developed a good (to my ears it sounds at least a little better than an MXR M68…) but low dsp consuming univibe algorithm that I run on my diy pedal…
October 27, 2017 at 10:29 am #147518
ParticipantI also want a Univibe algo.
April 7, 2018 at 3:15 am #148902
MemberI am another Modfactor owner hoping for a Univibe algorithm. I would gladly give up the many unused (and to me useless) algorithms for a good Vibe. It’s obviuosly an in demand effect. The Strymon Mobius has a Vibe setting.
April 9, 2018 at 6:31 am #148923
ParticipantEven Boss MS-3 has a cool UniVibe-Algorithm 🙁
May 27, 2018 at 5:09 pm #149326
ParticipantIt’s been four (count ’em) years since this thread began. I’ve got three H9s, so I’m obviously an Eventide fan. So, yes, it woud be great to have a proper univibe algo for the H9. But four years is a long, long time. So I won’t hold my breath. I’m intigued by KC’s idea of using multiple H9s (or MFs) to try and get something close or more interesting. I doubt I have the knowledge to do it properly, (and I don’t have room for any more pedals on my board.) BUT if any of you who own two or more H9s/MFs have any suggestions that would be amazing. Maybe Eventide has a new algo for us in time for summer NAMM?
May 30, 2018 at 12:54 pm #149356
MemberI am sorry, Eventide, for what I have unleashed here. To be perfectly honest, I don’t even play in a Pink Floyd cover band anymore so I no longer use Univibe at all. Still have my Shin-ei clones and the studio still has the “real deal.” I promise not to ask for this any more!
August 22, 2018 at 8:00 pm #149979
ParticipantSoooo….. Hows the Uni-vibe algo comming? 🙂
August 25, 2018 at 7:19 am #149994
Memberbronzejames2 wrote:Is there anything in the works for a univibe effect to be in the h9? I’d say its a very important!!
Come on you lovely Eventide Boffins you can spend months on crappy distortion and fuzz stuff when what
we really want is a nice univibe, reworked chorus and some nice chewy flangers.
August 26, 2018 at 10:58 am #149998
Membernitefly wrote:[…] crappy distortion and fuzz stuff when what we really want […]
I know at least 2 people plus me who use H9 for dirt algos ~90% of time. And they’re far from being crappy, IMO.
August 27, 2018 at 8:22 pm #150003
Participantflamefork wrote:nitefly wrote:[…] crappy distortion and fuzz stuff when what we really want […]
I know at least 2 people plus me who use H9 for dirt algos ~90% of time. And they’re far from being crappy, IMO.
Agreed. H9 dirt is fantastic. Especially when passed through an analog dirt pedal.
It seems like folks who are so deep into perfect Univibe clones should just buy a Univibe clone.
Don’t get me wrong — I love a good vibe. But the H9’s strength is exploiting digital tech to make new sounds, not to copy old ones that have already been copied well enough already.
September 10, 2018 at 6:36 am #150069
Participant… and what about a switching lag by all this dirt algos?
mistercharlie wrote:flamefork wrote:nitefly wrote:[…] crappy distortion and fuzz stuff when what we really want […]
I know at least 2 people plus me who use H9 for dirt algos ~90% of time. And they’re far from being crappy, IMO.
Agreed. H9 dirt is fantastic. Especially when passed through an analog dirt pedal. It seems like folks who are so deep into perfect Univibe clones should just buy a Univibe clone. Don’t get me wrong — I love a good vibe. But the H9’s strength is exploiting digital tech to make new sounds, not to copy old ones that have already been copied well enough already.
November 7, 2018 at 12:50 pm #150494
ParticipantSad-sad-sad… a new firmware version has been released but still any trace from univibe… :(((
November 7, 2018 at 4:30 pm #150498
Memberbansta wrote:Sad-sad-sad… a new firmware version has been released but still any trace from univibe… :(((
“But we have a really usefull synth algo”… he said cynically whilst wiping an small tear from the corner of his eye.
December 7, 2018 at 4:38 pm #150771Inactivenitefly wrote:bansta wrote:
Sad-sad-sad… a new firmware version has been released but still any trace from univibe… :(((
“But we have a really usefull synth algo”… he said cynically whilst wiping an small tear from the corner of his eye.
Yes, and now we don’t need to run out and all buy keytars.
November 7, 2018 at 5:21 pm #150501
ParticipantGiven the Eventide algorithm philosophy it will never happen…
Can you mention an Eventide algorithm named “Electric Mistress”, “Leslie”, “Carbon Copy”, “Fuzz Face”,…
Eventide algorithms are more general, more tweakable, more innovative,… I don’t know any of them developed to replicate the sound of a specific “effect”.
The Univibe is actually a four stage phaser but unfortunately the Phaser algorithm is not tweakable enough to truly sound like an Univibe.
A Phaser with control to individually spacing and modulation of the notches will come really close to the Univibe sound.
November 8, 2018 at 5:14 pm #150525
Memberllemtt wrote:Given the Eventide algorithm philosophy it will never happen…
Can you mention an Eventide algorithm named “Electric Mistress”, “Leslie”, “Carbon Copy”, “Fuzz Face”,…
Eventide algorithms are more general, more tweakable, more innovative,… I don’t know any of them developed to replicate the sound of a specific “effect”.
The Univibe is actually a four stage phaser but unfortunately the Phaser algorithm is not tweakable enough to truly sound like an Univibe.
A Phaser with control to individually spacing and modulation of the notches will come really close to the Univibe sound.
As a long time user of their products I wouldnt say they have a philosophy of copying stuff, Im not looking for a shinei knock off, I just want a simple 4 stage phaser with vibrato that is useable. The vibraphaser doesnt cut the mustard. check back in the forum for updated delays and you’ll find a reworking of the ‘vintage delay’alg and the pure joy it brought for timefactor owners ( I still think its the best delay they have). Getting back to philosophy, I can remember some 8 years ago and you can check it out here, that we as a community asked them for a VerbFactor, or something of that kind and we eventually got ‘Space’ so asking for something can pay off.
December 4, 2018 at 12:20 pm #150744
Membermaybe i can help you guys. I’m a big fan of univibe, but don’t want to get another dedicated pedal on my board.
I can achieve a very nice, organic uni vibe sound using the lunivibe preset, and a EHX small stone.
For better result, i push my amp a little bit so it’s start to naturally overdrive, then add a little bit of spring reverb and if i want more, i add some delay (i own an old space echo that do the job).
I bought the H9 to replace my space echo when i gig outside home, it does the job very well and beyond.
I may get another H9 soon i guess
December 7, 2018 at 10:32 am #150766
ParticipantJonkaille wrote:maybe i can help you guys. I’m a big fan of univibe, but don’t want to get another dedicated pedal on my board.
I can achieve a very nice, organic uni vibe sound using the lunivibe preset, and a EHX small stone.
For better result, i push my amp a little bit so it’s start to naturally overdrive, then add a little bit of spring reverb and if i want more, i add some delay (i own an old space echo that do the job).
I bought the H9 to replace my space echo when i gig outside home, it does the job very well and beyond.
I may get another H9 soon i guess
Thanks for your suggestion. I have 2 H9s and will have a look whether a Small-stone like preset in the second H9 will give me similar results. Do you already have a Smallstone-like preset for the H9?
December 4, 2018 at 3:08 pm #150747
MemberI’v recorded some stuff to show you how it sounds.
Gear used : Fender Jaguar into a Marshall Jubilee 2525, factory lounivibe preset + EHX Small Stone + roland space echo with reverb & delay (you can replace it by any reverb/delay unit) recorded with SM57.
No post recording effect or eq
and this is step by stp how ! build the sound :
Have fun !
December 7, 2018 at 1:16 pm #150767
William Middlemiss
ParticipantJonkaille wrote:I’v recorded some stuff to show you how it sounds.
Gear used : Fender Jaguar into a Marshall Jubilee 2525, factory lounivibe preset + EHX Small Stone + roland space echo with reverb & delay (you can replace it by any reverb/delay unit) recorded with SM57.
No post recording effect or eq
and this is step by stp how ! build the sound :
Have fun !
Thats pretty good 🙂
December 8, 2018 at 4:37 am #150772
MemberI commented on this about 2 years ago…… Since then I have :
1. about 2 yrs ago I got tired of waiting for Eventide and bit the bullet and purchased a Drybell Vibe Machine. It has got “that sound” – with all of the classic uni-vibe trobbing and nuances….. a glorious pedal
2. After another 6 months I have moved back into the digital domain got an AxeFx IIXL – sold it in less then a year to upgrade to the AxeFXIII . The AxeFxIII has a very convincing univibe setting in their phaser block. I have compared it side by side to the Drybell and it is pretty close
3 Recently I have sold my H9 STD. I kept my H9 MAX (for the time being) as I am tring to find a reason to use it with my AxeFxIII.
Have a chuckle when this thread gets resurected and was glad that I did not wait for a solution …..
In an earlier post I commented that it was a “hard” algo to do in the digital domain — Fractal Audio (aka Cliff Chase) figured it out — I am confident that guys at Eventide could do it with the H9 – I guest its just a matter of priority ……
Maybe one day I will get around to updateding my H9 and check out the new synth algo 🙂
December 9, 2018 at 9:31 pm #150779
Memberkcardita wrote:I commented on this about 2 years ago…… Since then I have :
1. about 2 yrs ago I got tired of waiting for Eventide and bit the bullet and purchased a Drybell Vibe Machine. It has got “that sound” – with all of the classic uni-vibe trobbing and nuances….. a glorious pedal
Your post could cost me 340€. Cannot resisting this small univibe.
My H9 trick with a small stone sounds cool, but the Kruno Domaćinović demo of the drybell made me drooling. Thats exactly what i was looking for, a univibe clone with a small footprint and photo cells/bulb.
Just saw an image of the circuit, it looks they made a real clone with add on cool feats
December 10, 2018 at 9:42 pm #150784
MemberJonkaille wrote:Your post could cost me 340€. Cannot resisting this small univibe.
EXACTLY – that’s what the demos did for me !!!! – If you want a small foot print with authentic sound/throb – it does not get better then the VibeMachine
Gofor it – I never looked back 🙂
December 11, 2018 at 8:59 am #150786
Participantkcardita wrote:Jonkaille wrote:Your post could cost me 340€. Cannot resisting this small univibe.
EXACTLY – that’s what the demos did for me !!!! – If you want a small foot print with authentic sound/throb – it does not get better then the VibeMachine
Gofor it – I never looked back 🙂
For anyone wanting to try something smaller and cheaper I suggest the Nux Monterey, for those not expecting it to sound like an authentic clone but at least 90% of it at 40€ it can’t be beaten.
Micro pedal format, perfect in my ‘micro size’ ‘carry around’ pedalboard and it also features ‘tap tempo’ that I love!
It can also act as an analog fet buffer to your pedal chain.
What else?
December 8, 2018 at 8:00 am #150773
MemberThanks for your return guys.
I’m sorry, i don’t have a Small Stone preset for H9.
I use the real thing, Small stone is pretty cheap 2nd hand.
Lucky guys who got 2 H9, i planed on getting a second H9 too… until i found a Yamaha CP-70 yesterday !
December 12, 2018 at 11:08 am #150792
ParticipantI would say: Eventide, please, give us some Univibe-Algo! It could be not perfect at the beginigng :), but we need some!
December 15, 2018 at 3:00 pm #150808
MemberOk, it effectively cost me a ton of money.
Just bought and ever received a second hand V2 Vibe Machine.
It’s a little MONSTER, and sounds way better than the H9 for Univibe.
Just spent hours of playing hendrix like stuff using the DryBell.
Plese EVENTIDE, give us a UNIVIBE algo, so i can sell the DryBell and buy a second H9.
January 11, 2019 at 4:45 pm #150967
ParticipantWhen canwe expect an H9 – UNI-VIBE ALGO from the Eventied Folks ? It would be GREAT !
January 14, 2019 at 7:43 am #150997
Participantthebluesman666 wrote:When canwe expect an H9 – UNI-VIBE ALGO from the Eventied Folks ? It would be GREAT !
I can’t believe this thread is still going. Maybe we could get some tow-hooks on our cars to hitch up some horses, too?
January 14, 2019 at 7:43 am #150998
Participantthebluesman666 wrote:When canwe expect an H9 – UNI-VIBE ALGO from the Eventied Folks ? It would be GREAT !
I can’t believe this thread is still going. Maybe we could get some tow-hooks on our cars to hitch up some horses, too?
January 14, 2019 at 12:12 pm #151000
ParticipantUni-Vibe rules!
January 15, 2019 at 9:59 am #151008
ParticipantMistery… there was a post from Eventide on friday about univibe beta on H9000 but I can’t no longer find it…
January 15, 2019 at 12:59 pm #151009
ParticipantH9000 algorithm no. 6527 is named “Univibe”. Maybe that is what you are refering to?
May 4, 2019 at 3:44 am #151847
ParticipantThe Holy Trinity in the area is fuzz, echo, and univibe; individually and any combination of the three. Eventide already nailed the first two in other algos. If they can nail the univibe sound then the combination will be an epic trippy-hippy algo. Even tide can do it. It’s just a matter of time.
Robert Keeley has the Dark Side (digital) pedal directed to exactly this and it sounds great. So far, though, the pedal only has the processing power to offer two of the three at any given time. It does show that digital can produce an excellent univibe.
May 9, 2019 at 10:53 pm #151876
MemberAnother vote for univibe. It’s probably my favourite effect on the Strymon Mobius.
Univibe and warped vinyl type algo would be top of my wishlist for my H9.
All in all though the H9 is a fantastic pedal – incredibly versatile.
May 13, 2019 at 2:27 pm #151886
MemberNew owner of an H9 here and just read through the thread. Very unhappy that the Eventide folks are not providing any useful feedback on this topic – even a reply along the lines of “We tried. It can’t be done with digital to our standards.” would be better than nothing. This is disappointing.
October 14, 2019 at 11:56 am #152917
ParticipantAnother new H9 owner here. Having a lot of fun with this unit – the lack of Univibe algorithm is the only disappointment so far. Came to the forum to find out what I was missing, but 5 1/2 years with no progress is not very encouraging 🙁
October 15, 2019 at 7:49 pm #152938
ParticipantI have to agree with Guitarfish, that the included UniVibe-like preset that is included with the Harmadillo algorithm is a bit underwelming to say the least. In my opinion, the UniVibe like presets that are available for the Vibrato algorithm (with mix set at 50%) are far more convincing.
Of course, if anyone has a preset for Harmadillo that will proof me wrong, I invite them to share it with us.
October 16, 2019 at 3:39 am #152947
ParticipantLet’s get a grip here. The H9 is an amazing pedal. But it can’t do everything. It’s digital, not analog. The classic Univibe is analog. It’s got a light bulb in it. There’s not a single digital univibe pedal out there that nails it. None. All the good vibe pedals are analog. What does that tell you?
October 16, 2019 at 9:14 am #152948
ParticipantUse H9 for what it offers… if you want a true Univibe effect buy a Univibe pedal!
Eventide has never made a copy of any specific effect instance and Univibe is nothing but an instance of a two stage phaser.
October 16, 2019 at 2:09 pm #152949
ParticipantI understand to there is a Univibe setting in the H9000 but that it uses more DSP than the H9 can deliver.
October 16, 2019 at 9:27 pm #152953
Participantstop playin, people.
July 24, 2015 at 5:28 am #139886
Participantgkellum wrote:People have posted various presets for a Univibe sound using the Phaser algorithm on the gearpage. Have you all tried those? I'd be interested in hearing how they measured up to your expectations.
For example here's one from the H9 Owners thread
* Ken replied on 24 Mar 2009 11:48 PM rated by 0 users
ModRate=.25×5How does this measure up to your expectations? A lot of people have been asking for a Univibe. I guess we need to gauge whether people think they can get close enough to the sound they want with one of the current algorithms or do we need a dedicated Univibe algorithm?
I reckon that a credible Univibe algorithm for ModFactor/H9 would be of significant commercial benefit to Eventide!
October 14, 2019 at 12:34 pm #152918
ParticipantGuitarfish wrote:Another new H9 owner here. Having a lot of fun with this unit – the lack of Univibe algorithm is the only disappointment so far. Came to the forum to find out what I was missing, but 5 1/2 years with no progress is not very encouraging 🙁OP: Ughhhhhhh ….. Harmadillo Harmadillo Harmadillo Harmadillo Harmadillo Harmadillo Harmadillo
October 14, 2019 at 6:00 pm #152921
ParticipantGuitarfish wrote:Another new H9 owner here. Having a lot of fun with this unit – the lack of Univibe algorithm is the only disappointment so far. Came to the forum to find out what I was missing, but 5 1/2 years with no progress is not very encouraging 🙁Stop playin. The latest Algo puts this issue to bed.
October 18, 2019 at 3:49 am #152961
Participantmjahoger wrote:I have to agree with Guitarfish, that the included UniVibe-like preset that is included with the Harmadillo algorithm is a bit underwelming to say the least. In my opinion, the UniVibe like presets that are available for the Vibrato algorithm (with mix set at 50%) are far more convincing.
Of course, if anyone has a preset for Harmadillo that will proof me wrong, I invite them to share it with us.
Okay, my best efforts from both of Harmadillo and Vibrato are attached. I think the Harmadillo presets wins it. If you can best these, I will happily admit defeat and and copy your work! :o)
October 19, 2019 at 3:14 am #152969
Given To Fly
Participantapalazzolo wrote:Okay, my best efforts from both of Harmadillo and Vibrato are attached. I think the Harmadillo presets wins it. If you can best these, I will happily admit defeat and and copy your work! :o)
I like the spirit of your post!
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