update problem

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    • #106950

      I do not see any accessible update for time factor.
      Update utility says update status: ready for update, but anything is not present in availale update.
      Server problem? l

    • #120154

        There may have been a server problem due to the storm. It should be working now.

      • #120160

        Has changed nothing. As was not accessible update so them and is not present

      • #131335

        Hello. Its me, again. Any accessible update and has not appeared in the list.
        Can send file for update?. I has time factor, curent firmware is 2.0.3 (2). My emai: pvaraksin@yahoo.com.

      • #131337

          Sorry to hear you are still having trouble. Have you tried the solutions in the following post?


        • #131338

          The case is described not mine.
          The update utility loads, recognizes the Factor pedal. But in that window where there should be a list of accessible firmware of anything is not present. The program communicates with your server normally
          It can be simple will send a file with an firmware?

        • #131380


          I have exactly the same problem. Where can we find the last .bam file for PitchFactor please ?

          Thanks in advance,

          Best Regards.

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