Update problem…yes another one

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    • #107344

      So trying to update my timefactor via usb on my macbook, osx 10.6.4.

      When the timefactor is in normal mode – the update utility recognises the timefactor and all is good except it says that I have to put the timefactor into update mode in order to perform an update.

      great!!!!! – put the tf into update mode – but then the computer does not find the timefactor?!?!??!

      ideas? I have already tried the ideas in the stickies except for using another computer.

    • #120901

      have you tried holding the middle footswitch while applying power to the unit? that puts the tf in update mode.

    • #120903

      Thanks for your response , yes I have put it into update mode – thats my main problem – the computer recognises the tf in normal mode but not in update mode


    • #132100
      Eventide Staff

      Make sure you have the latest version of the downloader. If that doesn't do it, it is probably some computer issue beyond our control, so you will have to try another computer. Sorry.

    • #132102

      oh sorry didnt quite get your post. sorry can't help Sad

    • #132103

      Thanks for the response Nickrose.

      will check the version of the downloader but I am pretty sure it is the latest, upgraded from leopard to snow leopard and reinstalled all apps a couple of days ago.  It just seems bizarre that the same computer recognises the tf in normal mode but not in update mode? I doubt that another computer will make a difference as the computer can recognise the tf in normal mode but, ok I will try it. Will take me a couple of days.

      But in my opinion if the computer recognises the timefactor in normal mode and detects that it is not in update mode , informs me that I should put the timefactor into update mode but cannot detect the timefactor when I have started it up in update mode then I don't think it is a computer host problem.

      many thanks


    • #132104
      Eventide Staff

      Your problem is either (most likely) a computer issue, or, (less likely) some strange problem with your box or the update procedure.

      Please try it on another computer. If this also does not work, contact support@eventide.com.  Nothing much else I can say.

    • #132106

      Tried the update utility on my work pc laptop with windows xp.

      Update utility says "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem".

      I did and it didn't.

      Anybody experienced this?

    • #132107

      Tried it on another mac, an Imac running osx 10.6.4  snowleopard. Exactly the same behaviour as I described in my first post.

    • #132108

      I had an interesting issue with my computer.  I have two Adrenalinns and I was trying to talk to them from my iMac.  One worked perfectly, the other wouldn't talk at all!  I went back and forth with Linn tech support, they sent me a replacement set of chips, etc, etc.  Never did get that one to work.  (Linn is great by the way…)

      Then, later, I upgraded my operating system, choosing to completely reinstall from scratch.  Amazingly enough, all of a sudden, the iMac could talk to both Adrenalinns!  Moral of the story, try at least two computers, and two MIDI interfaces…

    • #132109
      Eventide Staff

      (Please try it on another computer). If this also does not work, contact support@eventide.com.  Nothing much else I can say.

    • #121088

      taz, did you ever find a solution?

      I've tried 3 macs and 2 PC's now, plus 2 different USB cables, initsallizing my TF multiple times, trying all the suggested ideas in the stikies.

      It's not like me to be grumpy,  but I'm a little pissed off and would really like this to work – the patch naming feature will help me out a lot.



    • #121106


      No I never managed to get it to work and then had to put it aside for a while to concentrate on other things.

      I know what you mean about being grumpy – I had actually sold my timefactor but had to take it back when the seller could not get it to upgrade – so I had to pay for the shipping back.

      I got the suggestion to contact support directly so that is what I will do.

      Do you get the same problem as I that in normal mode the computer recognises the timefactor but not in update mode? It just seems bizarre.


    • #132258

      yeah, I'm a having EXACTLY the same issue. I've tried upgrading from 6 computers now.

    • #132259
      Eventide Staff

      I can understand your frustration. Are you using the latest version of EUU V1.5? We know that we have more work to do on EUU (the update utility) to make it work properly with a wider range of computers but if you've tried 6 computers already something else has likely gone wrong.

    • #132260

      AAgnello, yes I did a fresh download of the latest update software ver 1.5 on all of the machines.

      Personally, I think that it's a bug in the software. Why it works for some people and not me I do not understand!

    • #121127
      Eventide Staff

      Our updater is certainly not perfect, but the main problem is that every computer is different, so there are an enormous number of possible problems, some of which we know, and some we don't.

      Please try all the suggestions in

      Help with Update Utililty Problems. Usually another computer is the answer.

      If all else fails, contact support@eventide.com

    • #121130

      Is MIDI CLK out off?  When ON, it was causing the update to hang, yet the computer recognized the stompbox.

    • #132273
      Eventide Staff

      Thanks Caveman. You may be on to something. We'll test this.

    • #132281

      I ran into this problem… computer wouldn't recognize TF until I turned MIDI OUT – OFF. This was when I updated to V3. Turning MIDI out off fixed the problem – the TF was recognized and updated as expected.

    • #132321

      Tried MIDIOUT – off – still does not work in update mode.

    • #132322

      Sorry, I meant MIDI CLK OUT set to OFF. Must've been in a hurry when I typed that… I had MIDI OUTPUT set to THRU, but I think it's the clock out setting that's causing the issue. I also had CLK IN set to OFF. Changing the clock out setting is what fixed my problem. I'm not sure if this is what's causing your issue, Tazwolf, but I hope you get it working!

    • #132330

      Hi Tazwolf,

      Email support@eventide.com and I should be able to help you find a solution for updating.


    • #121175


      Quick addendum to my previous post: Have CLK OUT = OFF, and seem to have satisfied all the other suggestions posted by Achaput (sp?)

      I thought trying both a mac and pc would have licked this, but I see some have tried 6 machines to update from(!). If nothing develops I suppose I will have to contact the good people in NJ (first time ever, multiple products).

    • #121186
      Eventide Staff

      Please be so kind as to follow all Mr Chaput's instructions, if you have not already so done.

      If, as seems likely, you still have trouble, please read the last one again – contact support@eventide.com

    • #132664

      Thanks to Jerome, I got mine updated finally, using the oupdate software on a friend's PC. Looking forward to trying the new features. I have two gigs this weekend, so it will get a good workout.

    • #132711

      After my last barrage of failed v3.0beta update attempts in December I decided to just wait and see what update utility revisions would eventually be released, hopefully finally allowing me to taste some of the, apparently wonderful & useful, timefactor v3.0 enhancements…  

      Signed in tonight and was pleased to see there was v1.5r4 of the update utility for me to try- first on my dual G5 power mac, then on an winxp sp3 laptop with the same outcome:  12+ attempts on each computer, giving every posted tip, trick, workaround, etc. its chance to just give me the one successful attempt already(!?)… I've been methodical, so I have to believe there are plenty of you out there a bit frustrated like myself.

      What I want to point out clearly is a pattern that I've experienced with my 25+ failed TF update attempts, REGARDLESS of varied computer hw specs, OS versions, model of USB cables, or versions of the Update Utility.

      1) TF is always recognized when in standard powered-ON operational mode.

      2) It has NEVER been recognized after booting it in UPDATE mode.

      3) What nobody else seems to have mentioned is that despite failing to identify connected TF while in UPDATE mode, it seems just about everytime to cause a cycling of the green, current delay-type selection "indicator LEDS" lighting on and off in a series…  one LED on, then 2 of them at once, then 3, then 4, and then switching back to 3, then 2, and finally back to just the top one.

      This appears to always be followed by the "UPDATE" on the display turning to "READY", and the same up-and-down sequence of the delay-type "indicator LEDS"… The TF is NEVER recognized. It requires repowering the TF into UPDATE mode repeatedly, in order to refresh the update utility search.

    • #132738

      I too have had countless failures in the update and have tried the oupdate_m.exe update as recommended by tech support. I think it is a USB driver problem. in Windows, my device manager lists it under Sound Video and game controllers as Timefacor Pedal but it has a yellow warning exclamation sign. The general tab indicates the driver cannot start and the details says it a MS Driver 6.0.6002.18005 and the Details says it a USB audio device. If Eventide would release a new USB driver so that the Timefactor would be recognized and installed properly, I think this would fix the majority of the update issues.

      My 2 cents

    • #132740

      I managed to get my unit to update after contacting support and being sent a different update program. The excellent description ErikD has made is exactly what was happening to me as well before I contacted support.

    • #132741
      Eventide Staff


      I think it is a USB driver problem. in Windows, my device manager lists it under Sound Video and game controllers as Timefacor Pedal but it has a yellow warning exclamation sign.

      Regretfully, you are entirely correct. There is a USB problem with a small number of units on XP only which we are trying, so far unsuccessfully, to track down.

      The USB driver is supplied with Windows, not by us. The problem is probably a combination of issues with the driver and our USB implementation – this stuff is not easy.

      Other approaches – try a Mac or Win7, or use the MIDI rather than the USB – make sure the USB is disconnected before powering up the 'Factor.

    • #132742

      I don't think it is  a win only problem, I tried to update on pc and mac and got the same behaviour as ErikD described. Could it  be something to do with a combination of a  batch of timefactors and a  glitch in the usb update software? Although -why  would the program support sent me update without t problem? I'm stumped!


    • #121552
      Eventide Staff

      There clearly are problems in EUU, the main updater. We are of course working on them, but occasionally send out Oupdate, which is older software, if we think it will be helpful.

    • #133887


      After my last barrage of failed v3.0beta update attempts in December I decided to just wait and see what update utility revisions would eventually be released, hopefully finally allowing me to taste some of the, apparently wonderful & useful, timefactor v3.0 enhancements…  

      Signed in tonight and was pleased to see there was v1.5r4 of the update utility for me to try- first on my dual G5 power mac, then on an winxp sp3 laptop with the same outcome:  12+ attempts on each computer, giving every posted tip, trick, workaround, etc. its chance to just give me the one successful attempt already(!?)… I've been methodical, so I have to believe there are plenty of you out there a bit frustrated like myself.

      What I want to point out clearly is a pattern that I've experienced with my 25+ failed TF update attempts, REGARDLESS of varied computer hw specs, OS versions, model of USB cables, or versions of the Update Utility.

      1) TF is always recognized when in standard powered-ON operational mode.

      2) It has NEVER been recognized after booting it in UPDATE mode.

      3) What nobody else seems to have mentioned is that despite failing to identify connected TF while in UPDATE mode, it seems just about everytime to cause a cycling of the green, current delay-type selection "indicator LEDS" lighting on and off in a series…  one LED on, then 2 of them at once, then 3, then 4, and then switching back to 3, then 2, and finally back to just the top one.

      This appears to always be followed by the "UPDATE" on the display turning to "READY", and the same up-and-down sequence of the delay-type "indicator LEDS"… The TF is NEVER recognized. It requires repowering the TF into UPDATE mode repeatedly, in order to refresh the update utility search.

      This is exactly the problem I am experiencing.  http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/t/7515.aspx 

      Tried it on Windows 7, XP, over USB and Midi same result!  I have read that sometimes Eventide will send out an older version of the update utility.  My feeling is that this might fix the issue.  Could you send me the older version of the Update Utility, the one that was first released for version 1.0 of the Factor pedals?

    • #133889
      Eventide Staff
    • #145290


      Deactivated Midi CLK (both in and out) first,

      then updated version after version up

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