Updating to 3.5.0[4] Changes Patches

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    • #109548

      My custom patches do not work as they should after updating from 2.3.0[2] to either 3.5.0[4] or 3.0.0[19]. After reverting back to 2.3.0[2] and restoring my patches, they once again work as designed.

      I created some of these patches years ago and it will be difficult to go in and check each parameter to see exactly what issues the updates creates. Any suggestions on the best way to go about this task?

      I am extremely disappointed that Eventide STILL hasn't offered a PC editor for their …factor pedals..

    • #124245
      Eventide Staff

        Hi stringrazor,

        I'm sorry to say that we had to break preset compatibility going from V2 to V3.  This was mostly because we added new features that our users overwhelmingly requested, such as preset naming and fine-tuning on every knob.  I do apologize for the inconvenience. 

        The only way to get your V2 presets to correctly load in V3 is to put the unit in catchup mode and go through and write them down, and then re-save them with these values after you update to V3.  

      • #124246

        Thanks for the reply. Glad I just have a few patches to convert.

        This will likely be the last Eventide product I'll ever own.

      • #135194
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry to hear that.  Thanks for using the PF while you have, hopefully it's helped you create some good music. 

          BTW, Have you checked out our new product, the H9?  We just announced it.  It can run any factor/Space algorithm in a smaller formfactor.  It also has preset editing and realtime parameter control via  an iOS device.  Perhaps this can solve some of your issues?

          We just announced at NAMM, so there are some videos floating around youtube. 

        • #135195

          How difficult would it be for you to come out with a factor pedal editor? You don't even have to give it away like FactorLib. I'm sure almost everyone here would gladly pay a reasonable fee for it. 

          I bought the PF when I was making good money in a tribute band. I used it on one song, but it was a signature song and it worked well for it. It was way too much money to spend for a one song effect but I did it anyway. Now, that band's gigs are behind me and I was thinking I'd like to use the pedal for more than just one diatonic effect (with a momentary switch in the expression pedal jack to instantly switch scales).  The cryptic interface always puts me off. I learn it then forget it again. It's also a pain to program from a pedal board. It badly needs an editor, as do the other factor pedals. For the life of me I cannot understand why Eventide doesn't seem to care. Suggesting I buy an H9 just adds insult to injury.

          The lack of an automated way to convert patches after the s/w upgrade is another sore spot. Luckily, I only have a few but what if I had hundreds or if I develop a bunch by the time another non-compatible OS upgrade is announced?

          I guess I just expected better from a company of the stature of Eventide. Maybe support for your "stars" is good but it seems for us common folk, not so much…

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