US purchased Space, powered by UK purchased Pawer bank

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    • #111882

        Hi there,

        I'm looking at buying an Eventide Space when i visit the US next month. I'm a FOH engineer and run a few stompboxes powered by a Decibel 11 Hot Stone Deluxe (which power Eventide pedals) which fits neatly in a rack drawer i use with other rack effects and comps.

        I realise if i were to use the eventide power supply i would need a step down transformer to power in the UK, but would it run straight off the Hot Stone if i wasn't to use the Eventide power supply? Is it just the power supply that requires the transformer or is the Space looking for 110v also?

        Thanks in advance.

      • #126607

          The Eventide official line is they can only advise the official Eventide Power supplies … which you can understand.

          However, they will run with other power supplies, the OneSpot with an L6 converter works … you can also buy an official UK spec Eventide power Supply.

          Basically a decent 9V DV Boss Style + a OneSpot L6 converter will work as long as it puts out 500mA or above … oh and don't daisy chain the power supplies … you need to keep them isolated.

          interestingly the US H9 PSU is worldwide voltage and I use the 3 I bought from the US with a 3 pin to Shaving socket … when not using the Eventide PowerFactor.

          Hope that helps

        • #126608

            So basically, it will run on different voltages between the US and UK providing i have the correct power supply?

            The Hot Stone is great. Like a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 but with the capability of powering a larger variety of pedals and cheaper as well. I'll be using a Step down Transformer for that whilst i'm in the states.

          • #126609

              Actually looking at the Decibel webpage … you can run the Space at 12V DC with a "2.5mm Center Positive Cable "

              From the Decibel website it links to this Amazon page…

              I know I said 9V DC 500mA … but they can run at 12V DC @ 400mA … (that is what the PowerFactor runs them at 😉 

            • #126610

                Yeah it's the same as the Line 6 DL4 which it powers without a problem.

              • #137267


                  So basically, it will run on different voltages between the US and UK providing i have the correct power supply?

                  The Hot Stone is great. Like a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 but with the capability of powering a larger variety of pedals and cheaper as well. I'll be using a Step down Transformer for that whilst i'm in the states.

                  The Space Pedal will need 9 or 12v DC … so you will need to use a PSU to convert whatever the country you are in down to 9 or 12v… OneSpot or PowerFactor will do this…. Maybe the Decibel can? don't know as I have not used one … actually looking at the Decibel web site NO it can't …there is a European and a North American version… so you would need a step down transformer if using the US Version in the UK and a Step UP transformer UK version in the US.

                • #137268


                    Yeah it's the same as the Line 6 DL4 which it powers without a problem.

                    you will be fine then Yes

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