USB Input from Electric Drum Kit

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    • #172693

        I am trying to decide on an electric drum kit to get. I was hoping to find one with an optical output to send to the H9000 but I can’t seem to find one. Nearly all of them have USB output though. Would it be possible to use that with the H9000? Would I have to use the type B port on the back of the H9000 or could I use one of the type A ports? I’d like to avoid the type B port because that’s how my H9000 communicates with my computer. Ideally I could have that connected for recording while having the drums sending signal to the H9000.

      • #172698


          Looks like I would have to use the B port and even then no guarantee it would be compatible

        • #172705

            Audio over USB to the H9000 is unlikely to work except from a computer using Eventide’s driver.

            You would be better off sending audio via analog outputs to the H9000’s analog inputs.

          • #172706

              Agreed. It would be cool though if the usb A ports could be used for this

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