USB wifi adapters that work with H9000?

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    • #178145

        I lost the USB wifi adapter that came with the H9000, and now I can’t find one that will work. I’ve tried several different ones and can’t get the H9000 to use it to connect. Does anyone know what kind of adapter I need or why the ones I’ve been trying might not be recognized? Or is it some odd configuration issue? I’ve also tried starting a Wifi AP as a test, which then that just shows an address of I just don’t think it’s recognizing the WIFI adapter.

      • #178146
        Eventide Staff

          Sorry for the issues you are having.

          The only Wi-Fi adapters that will work with the H9000 are the Edimax EW-7811Un or the EW-7811Un V2.

          The original has been discontinued, but you can search “EW-7811Un V2” on Amazon or another online store and you can find it there.


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