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March 17, 2008 at 7:09 am #105466
Hi guys, I am interested in running my Eclipse in parallel in my amps buffered series effects loop. I am looking into the Psionic Mixer 2.1. Basically, the Psionic goes between the loop and Eventide creating a parallel mix, this preserving the analog amp tone. The cool thing is that the Mixer 2.1 has a relay controlled kill-dry function. I could use parallel operation for delays and reverbs, but then kill-dry for the harmonizer/chorus effects since they work in series. Question is whether the DMC Ground Control can change the Wet/Dry mix to accomodate running the Eclipse as both a series and parallel unit on the fly. I'd like my patches to be either pure unconverted amp tone with parallel mixed Eclipse verb and delay, and on the other side of things, all those cool patches where you have to have the global on 100% wet. Make sense? Thanks! Scott
March 17, 2008 at 9:25 am #117173
Hi Scott
all time domain fx can (and should) be kept in parallel routing; these include chorus and harmonizing.
The question is not clear though…and does it strictly relate to the Eclipse?
March 17, 2008 at 12:23 pm #117176
Hi Italo,
Thanks for responding. What I was wondering is Eclipse specific. I'd like to use the minimixer to run the Eclipse inside a PARALLEL effects loop. The minimixer has a kill-dry relay so that it can then also run the Eclipse pure series as well. Can I set the effect mixes to be able to run the Eclipse 100% wet, no dry at all, and then on another patch have it be series effect loop friendly? My question has nothing to do with the internal routings. Just regarding interfacing the Eclipse in an effects loop as a series and parallel device with switching. My Gorund Control can control the minimxer's kill-dry. I am only interested in your feedback as to the viability of this concept and/or if you have ever heard of it being done. Thanks!
March 17, 2008 at 12:52 pm #128269
Hi Scott
the basic condition to set up a parallel setup is to run a dry channel between the loop and the mixer + 2 wet channels from Eclipse. Using the Kill_Dry function in your mixer, I suppose you would have the ability to mute the dry channel in your mixer.
Regarding Eclipse, you can set wet/dry balance inside a single patch. Keep the system wet/dry on 100% wet for pure parallel settings. When a "serial" one is needed, just change the wet/dry balance inside the PARAMETERS area of the single preset and store it.
Is that what you wanted to know?
March 17, 2008 at 4:41 pm #128270
Thanks Italo!
I guess I shoudl ask you for advice on the best way to run the Eclipse in mono. I used to do wet/dry/set and that was amazing. Then I did wet/wet and that was great too. Now I am lazy and just want to bring the amp head, rack, and 1 cab. LOL
So, I understand I need to input in mono to the Eclipse and return both of the Eclipse outputs to a mixer. Correct? Is there some way to set the Eclipse as just a mono device for delay and verb? Would I sum the L/R in the mixer? Or as I saw you post, just return one side? If so, why use a mixer?
March 17, 2008 at 4:50 pm #128271
if you want to use Eclipse in mono without a mixer, you'd need to reprogram presets and have all voices panned to the single output you will be using. Some fx like reverb won't pe panned to mono anyway. Tha's the reason why I advice(d) to always use a mixer anyway as you won't need to reprogram things and the mixer pans will easily do the trick for you. Returning one side needs reprogramming. Returning both sides and using a mixer will make the trick.
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