Using hotswitch in Preset Mode / Space Pedal

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Using hotswitch in Preset Mode / Space Pedal

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    • #186064

      Before I look to get a Space, saving presets would be important to me and being able to scroll up and down using my feet, however the hotswitch would also be an important incentive for me.

      Can I use the hotswitch in preset mode, or would I have to use an external aux switch? e.g. middle button and right button are used to scroll up and down the presets, and the external button used as the hotswitch button. Is this possible?

    • #186067
      Eventide Staff

      In Presets mode, the 3 on board footswitches will always be for up/down scrolling with the middles and right switch, and loading or active/bypass using the left footswitch.

      You can use an aux switch to perform the HotSwitch in Presets mode.

    • #186068

      Thanks for the reply. So a 3 button aux switch, e.g. the GFI triple system, could be used with 1 button controlling the hotswitch, and the other 2 controlling something else. A 1 button switch should be fine if all I wanted to control was the hotswitch?

    • #186069
      Eventide Staff

      That is correct. I would suggest the Barn3 OXU aux pedals that we offer:

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