Using multiple guitars with my H9

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Using multiple guitars with my H9


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    • #113014

      Hey all, I’ve serached the forum and didn’t find an answers so I thought I would post this here, thanks for the help in advance!


      Problem: So I love my H9 so much that I use it with my acoustic rig now, the problem is that my acoustic output is active and my electric output is passive, when I adjust the H9 for 1 guitar it messes up the other. (ex when I set the output all the way up for my acoustic, if I switch to my electric I get the red clipping light all the time) Is there a way that I can save setting parameters for different guitars? Or is there another work around that I am unaware of? 




    • #141479
      Eventide Staff

        Hi Loren,

        You'll have to create other versions for your acoustic guitar otherwise you'll have to edit the preset inputs on the fly. You could consider creating a new preset list strictly for your acoustic guitar or perhaps putting your guitar effects in the first five slots and your acoustic ones in the next five slots, for example. Hope this helps.

      • #141495

        So I can save different presets with different input levels? It is not a global setting? To be clear I am talking about the “input gain and level meter” on the H9 control.

      • #141497
        Eventide Staff
          lorenmiller wrote:

          if I switch to my electric I get the red clipping light all the time) Is there a way that I can save setting parameters for different guitars? Or is there another work around that I am unaware of?


          Using your example above, copy the same preset but with a different output for your electric. Input gain is global. You can't set it differently for each preset.

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