Using Timefactor with H9 Control

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    • #112677

      I’m new to the Eventide world, so excuse me if this question has been repeatedly asked.

      I’m trying to use H9 Control to manipulate my Timefactor. The version on the TF is 3.5.0(4). When I open H9, it asks me to update to 4.5.xx to be able to use H9 with the TF. When I launch the updater, no updates are found. 

      The TF is registered to me (bought it brand new). Maybe I’m missing something here. Any help would be appreciated.

    • #139659

        I'm trying to use H9 Control to manipulate my Timefactor. The version on the TF is 3.5.0(4). When I open H9, it asks me to update to 4.5.xx to be able to use H9 with the TF. When I launch the updater, no updates are found. 

        The server that delivers the list of updates had some problems over the weekend, and that’s why you weren’t seeing any available updates. We’re looking into the problem. I’ll post back again when the problem is resolved.

      • #139663

          The update server should be ok now.  If you want to try updating your TimeFactor now, you should be able to see all of the available TimeFactor updates.

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