Vocal processing w H8000 (something weird going on)

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    • #105605


      I've been trying to process vocals for a certain project using the H8000FW. I have preset 6716 on DSP A & preset 6522 on DSP B.

      I pass the audio from my interface into the analog inputs of the H8000 & then back out into my interface.

      Once the vocals have been processed they take on this strange quality which is hard to describe but they become electronic & robot like.

       Another point to mention is that though there is a stereo output going into the H8000 i'm recording back in mono as i don't have the appropriate cables.

       Is the audio being distorted due to the D/A & A/D conversion as it is passed back & forth between the interface & the H8000?

      I'm using Cubase 4 as a sequencer & i am considering trying to pass the audio via s/pdif to see if that fixes things.

       I would appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks.

    • #117424


      a number of details to consider:

      -the exact ROUTING used between I/DSPs/O, which you don't describe.

      -how the H8000 input/output levels are set 

       -how the presets are set (parameters values)


    • #117425

      Hi the presets are being used without any tweakage except for setting the delay time on the delay preset.

      The input/output levels are also unchanged. As for the routing i think i used the Analog A-B setup.

    • #128566

       You are *sure* you are using A-B routing? It's important!

      Also make sure you haven't any IN Gain applied into the Levels menu. There are Levels and Gains in there. Please check.

      How hot is the signal hitting the analog inputs? How many LEDs are on?

    • #128576

      Ok i just checked & yes i've been using A-B routing. There are no changes in the gain settings at all. The signal is normal i guess, usually the first & second LED's light up when the audio is passing through.

      I also tried turning down the reverb & delay in the presets & that didn't help much either. I appreciate the help IDeangelis!

    • #128582

       I can only think about distortion in the diffusors. These may need to be adjusted to a lowerfeedback level, internally, using Vsigfile, then storing the algorithm as a new preset.

      Preset 6617 Voval Verb Two. Lower the 2 DIFFUSORS g1/g2/g3 values to 0.5/-0.5.

      That should help.


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