vsig with mac and parallels….

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    • #107162

        Has anyone gotten this to work? My question my verge into issues about parallels in general….there are not many windows midi programs that I was interested in – pretty much just vsig, and one other. There doesn't seem to be any communication with my motu midi timepiece 2 av, though parallels seems to recognize it. Has anyone gottne this to work in a similar config with a motu interface? Do I need to download windows drivers also? I figured that it was just going through parallels for the peripheral connections….

      • #120566

          should have mentioned that I have windows 7 running on parallels…

        • #120573

            I'm ready tp just give up.

            Operative questions seem to be:

            what midi interfaces will work with parallels? If not, with bootcamp? My motu and midiman don't weem to work with parallels and windows 7. Do I really need to install windows drivers for these? (for instance, my audio interface has no windows drivers, but parallels passes it along just fine). In any case, neither the motu or the midman have windows 7 drivers, at least that will install successfully.

            What about xp mode? Apparenlty the hardware doesn't support it, but there is a 'hot fix'? Lots of warning about that. Is this worth attempting? Of course, the question is whether the windows midi drivers are necessary.

            Sorry for the frustration – I've had people tell me for a long time (not on this forum) that upgrading to an intel mac would allow me to do stuff like this. but it seems like  none of them have actually done any of it. I've gotten no really helpful results on any forum about how to get this all working.

            As far as I can tell, the only thing that prevents me from getting the vsig editor working is midi support. Has anyone done this on a mac? What midi interface are you using?

          • #131750

              Couldn't get it to work with parallels either, I tried with vmware and it worked perfect.

              Here's how it went: http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/p/5042/21690.aspx

            • #131751

                I finally got it working. Well, haven't tried editing yet, but successfully grabbed the database from the h8000. I actually wound up accomplishing it on both parallels and vmware – I much prefer vmware though, and am going to be using it…

              • #131813

                  hi droolmaster0! Big Smile

                  I have VMware Fusion working with the Keyspan USB-Serial adapter. works great, faster than MIDI and I can leave the MIDI for the Mac side.

                • #131815

                    I've had so much fun with the presets and basic editing that I haven't even gotten around to messing with the editor yet. But that reminds me that I want to pick up one of those cables.

                  • #131817

                      VsigX definitely  don´t work . Also not together with the new OS and the HEAD Modul.

                      So , i bought now an old PC-Laptop (IBM 300mhz )with WinXT installed and a PCMCia Card USB Adapter.

                      Get it Next week and hope……it´s work

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