Weird issue with Time Factor and Space pedals today at a gig.

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Weird issue with Time Factor and Space pedals today at a gig.

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    • #188078

      I had a gig this afternoon and rehearsed a set using Time Factor and Space connected to a synthesizer. I’d been rehearsing all week with this setup in my studio with no issues. When I was sound checking at the gig, the Space pedal was just blinking on and off displaying odd characters on the screen and the Time Factor was randomly turning on and off intermittently. I’m powering these pedals with their respective Eventide power bricks. Needless to say I was in able to use these pedals in todays gig and had to rethink my entire setup for the performance. Later in the day when setting everything back up in the studio I tried the pedals and they were working fine with no issues.

      Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

      Thanks in advance!

    • #188087
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry to hear you are having issues. My first guess would be a potential issue with the power source feeding the 2 pedals.

      You only experienced this when connecting to that specific power source, and now they are working correctly back in the studio?

      • #188112

        Yes, and all the other gear (Mixer, Eurorack case, 2 Synthesizers) were connected to the same powerstrip at the gig which is also the same one that I use in the studio.

      • #188138
        Eventide Staff

        Thanks for the clarification.

        Before you do any further troubleshooting, the easiest thing to test would be if this happens with a few different power sources in different rooms, venues, etc. to see if the issue can be reproduced.

        I would not suggest disassembling your stompboxes at this point.

    • #188108

      Same happened to my TimeFactor.

      My solution:
      Unscrew the base and you’ll see some screws holding a circuit board in place.
      Remove them and carefully lift out the PCB (the whole back panel will also come with it as well).
      Beware… do not try and lift it all the way out as there is a ribbon cable connecting it to another the circuit board below (that board you will see is covered in silver foil).

      Disconnect the ribbon cable, it just wiggles out.
      Be careful as there is not much leeway.

      Once fully disconnected give the ribbon cable connectors a good blast of air to clear any dust/bits.
      Now carefully, but firmly, reconnect the ribbon cable
      Screw the PCB and base back in place.

      Problem solved.

      Should you need to replace the ribbon cable, then unscrew and remove the bottom (foil covered) circuit board off as well.
      This could be more time consuming as it looks like you have to unscrew all the of the 11 knobs as well.

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