Weird problem

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    • #107175

      I use a H7600, If I copy preset #876 (Flanged Space 1" into either the User area or the Card (64mb Compact Flash, plenty of space left) things seem OK.

      However, as I try to load the preset from either of these locations (not from the Factory location) then I get the folowing error message:


      Can't load "Flanged Space 1"

      Can't explain


      I rebooted the device to no avail. I'm clueless. I can load other presets in that exact location (same bank) without problems. As satetd earlier, I can also load 876 from the Factory area fine, and it sounds fine.


    • #120590
      Eventide Staff

      Hard to know – the error message is unhelpful. I would suggest that you:

      1) Try another card and if possible adaptor.

      2) Try other programs.

      3) Return the unit to factory defaults (this will erase user presets).

    • #120591

      Well, the problem happens even if I store program #876 to the Internal, not just the Card. It also happens with program #877, but otherwise works fine with say #824 or lower.

      I only need to do this so I can call MIDI program changes as MIDI can't do numbers >127.

      If I return the unit to factory defaults, is it going to mess up my overall config, including usergroups, as that's what I use to send MIDI program changes?

    • #131762
      Eventide Staff

      You can always use a MIDImap to deal with the 127 issue.

      My guess is that you have a bad card and a corrupted user memory space. Just a guess.

      If you return the unit to factory defaults it will do as the name suggests – remove all personal customization. You will not do this lightly.

    • #131763

      Does a corrupted user memory space get reformatted by a factory reset? I did get an error about a corrupted memory space a couple of days ago but I ignored it. There may be an explanation there.

      I'll reset all and report back. 

    • #131765

      I performed all of the following:

      1. factory reset

      2. reformat external Card

      3. fix and reformat Internal memory space

      It still doesn't work.

      Can someone please try the following for me on a H7600: Load preset #876 (Flanged Space 1), then save the preset from the factory bank to the user bank (on any slot). Try loading the preset from the user bank. I cannot do this on my H7600, and get the error message referenced above. Given the steps that I took to reset/reformat the machine, others should have the same problem, otherwise I have a hardware defect.

      Please advise. 

    • #131766


      I got the same behavior with my H7600. I copied the preset #876 to both internal and card, I get this when tryin to load from internal/card : "Cannot load, can't explain". It's the same with preset #877

      I haven't got any other error messages lately and i have the latest software version.

    • #131768

      I tried #877 and I also get the same error message. All other patches I've tried have worked fine. I'd like to know if Eventide can reproduce this problem.

    • #131769
      Eventide Staff

      We'll look into it. In the meantime I would suggest you do not use this patch.

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