What are your favorite H9 algorithms?

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    • #112042

      Hi, I am new here. Just got my H9 a few days ago. Planning to buy some algorithms.

      Maybe we can use this topic to post your favorite algorithms? so what are your favorites? and why? and what algorithms should you definitely buy?

      I am a delay/reverb lover!

    • #126891

      I'm personally more into vintage, classic, bluesy material so by category I'd pick TF Digital Delay, Vintage Delay, Tape Delay, Filter Pong and of course the Looper (but also ModDelay, Reverse, and MultiTap if you are creative.)  MF Chorus, Wah-wah, Rotary and Tremolo are mandatory; Phaser and Flanger if you are heavy, Undulator and RingMod if you are wild.  PF PitchFlex and MicroPitch are incredibly useful even for tame stuff, all the pitch shift algos are great if you are progressive. From SPACE if you love reverb you need Hall, Plate, Spring, ModEchoVerb, Shimmer, and BlackHole for sure; MangledVerb to probe the dark side.  H9 Ultratap is a great modulated multi-tap delay with chopper tremolo, and the Resonator is a powerful special effect with selected pitches ringing on delay taps.

    • #126898

      ok, judging from your post this will become a costly affair!

    • #137530

      All great love affairs are!

    • #137531

      Diatonic from the Pitchfactor may be my most-used algorithm.  2nd / 3rd guitarist harmonies, and bonus "short" [1480 ms.] delays.  UltraTap is fast becoming my favorite experimental algorithm, for the sheer versatility.  It's just as capable of "normal" effects as it is the out-there creations.

    • #137540

      been testing out some algorithms tonight that are not in the H9 by default. So far these are my favorites

      BH: reverse reverb, modecho reverb, blackhole

      PF: quadravox, Harmod

      TF: band delays, reverse delay, mod delay

      H9: resonator

      It will cost too much to but them all so I have to think what I will use the most. Also have an Axe fx 2 so I am not short on effects.

    • #137551

      Just buy one algo at a time, starting with the ones that you would need to have the soonest. I only have 4 algos so far on my core, but will buy more to get where I'd eventually like to be, little by little.

      I have only been on the H9 platform for two months, so it's kinda early to assertively recommend any specific algos, especially as I don't use my H9 as a guitar effect.. 

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