What could be the cause of intermittent drops in the audio connection?

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    • #171743

        I recently purchased the H9000 and have been using it for the past two weeks. Initially, it took me around four days to set it up properly and thoroughly review the important topics covered in the manual. However, now that it is set up, I am encountering a specific issue that I would appreciate help with.

        The problem occurs when I am working in Logic or Reaper. After approximately 10 minutes, the audio input and output suddenly drop to silence. At this point, none of the effects chains are receiving any signal, and the metering page on the H9000 does not display any activity either. It’s worth noting that despite the audio issue, the H9000 remains connected and visible in the remote app.

        Below are the specifications of my setup:

        DAW: Logic Pro X
        Audio Interface: SSL2+ (configured as an aggregate device along with the H9000)
        Operating System: macOS Monterey (version X.XX)
        I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with guidance or a solution to resolve this intermittent audio dropout problem. Please let me know if there is any additional information or troubleshooting steps you require from my end. I am eager to continue utilizing the full capabilities of the H9000 and ensure a seamless audio production workflow.

      • #171744

          I’m using audio over USB

        • #171747
          Eventide Staff

            Hello. Sorry for the issues you are having.

            What happens after this? Are you able to process audio after you reload the DAW project or do you have to do something else to get it working?

            Does the H9000’s “USB Audio Mute” error pop up?

            If this happens again, can you try loading algorithm 13 “Oscillator 440” and checking if that outputs audio via the FX Chain?

          • #171748

              Thanks for jumping in:

              – I can’t find any consistency in this. Rebooting the h9k, relaunching the daw, select different sample rate and than back, i’ve tried all in different order and combinations but i can’t find a consistent way of solving this issue. Rebooting the h9k seems to help, but only after altering the sample rate in my DAW, reselect the aggregate device and connect the H9k again. Sometimes i also need to reconnect the h9k.

              Again, i can’t find a consistent solution that makes sure i can keep the audio signals from my daw in to the H9k.

              – The “USB Audio Mute” error does not pop up when the audio drops, i do however regularly get the message that the network connection is lost with the h9k from the emote app.

              -I’ll try loading algorithm 13 to see what happens and report back.


              I’m afraid there are multiple problems at once i need to isolate first before working to a solution.


            • #171749
              Eventide Staff

                You’re welcome.

                It may be an issue with the aggregate device. A good way to troubleshoot this would be to use the H9000’s USB audio without the aggregate device. Instructions for this can be found here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h9000/2.0/content/quickstart/USBaudiosetup.html#audio-interface

              • #171801

                  i will have to test it and report on this

                • #171819

                    i have nearly the same problem, im on Reaper too, allthough its constant crackle in sound

                    My RME802 sound like an 8 bit in H9000->optical adat connected to my Rme 802 – i think its in the connection… i will check if its “locked” to 44100 khz, and maybe its the (cheap) optical cables…i try XLR analog later 🙂

                    • #171825
                      Eventide Staff

                        Doesn’t sound like the same issue if you are using ADAT and not USB.

                        When using ADAT, both devices need to share the same clock source to sync the clocks together. You can either set the H9000 clock to ADAT to sync the H9000 to the RME, or Sync the RME to the H9000 and use the H9000 internal clock.

                    • #171827


                        I had the problem today again. I used logic with audio over USB to the h9000.

                        2 Channels gave correct signal (in & out). All of a sudden the signal was gone without any apparent reason.

                        I switched to the h9000 only soundcard in logic (in & output device) to the h9000 and signal did not return. This bypassed the aggregate device and rules it out as the source of my problem.


                        When i load the 1khz oscillator algorithm i get a visible output on the chain, but its not audible in logic.

                        There is no signal in or out, its quite invalidating and impeding the workflow.

                      • #171848

                          Any ideas? I’m really lost on what to do now. I might have to make the decision to return the unit.


                        • #171849
                          Eventide Staff

                            Sorry to hear that you are still having issues. It would be best to completely rule out the aggregate device, it looks like your last test was still using the aggregate device when the issue happened.

                            Can you try following the instructions for using the H9000 as a USB audio device and then simply playback audio from your computer without using a DAW? It’d be useful to know if the USB audio dropped out while not using an aggregate device or Logic.

                            You can also contact support@eventide.com and I can help you troubleshoot this further there.

                          • #171852

                              Which session preset gives me the main output 1-2 and  input 1-2 so that i can use it as  a regular soundcard?

                              i’m not comfortable with the routing page yet because of the inconsistent signal i can not familiarise myself with it.

                            • #171853
                              Eventide Staff

                                I just emailed you directly with a Session that has this routing configured.

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