Where is the SP2016?

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    • #114970

        There are YouTube vids about this new VST version but where is the SP2016 on your site?


      • #150197

          We're rolling it out today.  It should be on our site by early this afternoon.  If you want to check our main page — http://www.eventideaudio.com — in 3 – 4 hours, I'm sure you'll see it featured there.

        • #150198

            just bought it and there is no download link or anywhere to register it. hurry up eventide!!

          • #150199

              just bought it but there is no download link or entry spot to register the plugin. hurry up eventide !!



              • #150202
                  strawberrius wrote:

                  just bought it but there is no download link or entry spot to register the plugin. hurry up eventide !!

                  Sorry, you should be able to register it now.  You bought it from another website and not from eventideaudio.com?  I ask only b/c if you bought it on eventideaudio.com, the plugin is automatically registered to your account as part of the purchase process;  there's no need to do a second registration process.

              • #150201
                Eventide Staff
                • #150203

                    Upgraded for $29, but the 32 bit VST version is crashing all three hosts I have tried it in so far (Audiomulch, REAPER and RX7), on Win 10. Please fix soon!

                    • #150204
                      Eventide Staff
                        Hermetech wrote:

                        Upgraded for $29, but the 32 bit VST version is crashing all three hosts I have tried it in so far (Audiomulch, REAPER and RX7), on Win 10. Please fix soon!

                        We are looking into this issue now.

                      • #150213
                          Hermetech wrote:

                          Upgraded for $29, but the 32 bit VST version is crashing all three hosts I have tried it in so far (Audiomulch, REAPER and RX7), on Win 10. Please fix soon!

                          There is a fresh version in the "Docs and Downloads" section for SP2016 that fixes this issue. Thanks for your patience.

                      • #150206


                        • #150207

                            I’m experiencing horrible crackling sounds when the SP2016 is in a signal chain…even when bypassed. I’m on Yosemite and this is occuring with the AU and VST versions in both Logic 10.2.4 and the latest version of Blue Cat’s Patchwork. It’s as if the audio is clipping, but this isn’t reflected in the meters at all and also regardless of sample rate! 

                            • #150208
                                Plomerus wrote:

                                I'm experiencing horrible crackling sounds when the SP2016 is in a signal chain…even when bypassed. I'm on Yosemite and this is occuring with the AU and VST versions in both Logic 10.2.4 and the latest version of Blue Cat's Patchwork. It's as if the audio is clipping, but this isn't reflected in the meters at all and also regardless of sample rate! 

                                Thanks for alerting us. We're looking into it now.

                              • #150227
                                Eventide Staff
                                  Plomerus wrote:

                                  I'm experiencing horrible crackling sounds when the SP2016 is in a signal chain…even when bypassed. I'm on Yosemite and this is occuring with the AU and VST versions in both Logic 10.2.4 and the latest version of Blue Cat's Patchwork. It's as if the audio is clipping, but this isn't reflected in the meters at all and also regardless of sample rate! 

                                  This issue should now be fixed, in version 1.0.5

                                • #150239
                                    tlongabaugh wrote:

                                    Plomerus wrote:

                                    I’m experiencing horrible crackling sounds when the SP2016 is in a signal chain…even when bypassed. I’m on Yosemite and this is occuring with the AU and VST versions in both Logic 10.2.4 and the latest version of Blue Cat’s Patchwork. It’s as if the audio is clipping, but this isn’t reflected in the meters at all and also regardless of sample rate! 

                                    This issue should now be fixed, in version 1.0.5

                                    Indeed… 1.0.5 seems to have solved the issue entirely for me! Cheers for the quick response and attention!

                                • #150209

                                    I just updated my 32 bit 2016 Stereo Room VST and now that’s not showing up in any host either…  Was updated a few days ago.

                                    • #150210
                                      Eventide Staff
                                        Hermetech wrote:

                                        I just updated my 32 bit 2016 Stereo Room VST and now that's not showing up in any host either…  Was updated a few days ago.

                                        Can you try doing a deep rescan/blacklist reset, if possible, to see if that causes the plugin to show up? I've been able to confirm the most recent version of 2016 Stereo Room (3.2.0) loads in several 32 and 64-bit DAWs, using Win10 64-bit

                                    • #150219

                                        Thank you, that fixed it! Can report new version of SP2016 is now working.


                                        Still not getting 3.2.0 of Stereo Room to show up thouhg, although doesnlt matter so much now that I have the above mentioned working.

                                      • #150236

                                          I am also getting a sort of static crackling sound in Cubase 9.5 both with the preset on and bypassed. I’m on Windows 7 64 bit. Cubase blacklisted it after install so I had to reactivate it.

                                          • #150237
                                            Eventide Staff
                                              ChamomileShark wrote:

                                              I am also getting a sort of static crackling sound in Cubase 9.5 both with the preset on and bypassed. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. Cubase blacklisted it after install so I had to reactivate it.

                                              Hi, can you confirm that you are on v1.0.5 of SP2016 Reverb?

                                          • #150238

                                              hi, I was on 4, now picked up 5. Cubase still crashed but it seems to have settled down and no more crashes.

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