Why Do My Presets Go Blank?!?!?!

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    • #115567

         I use the Windows control software and this has been happening occasionally for a long time. I couldn’t quite identify a trigger/cause until recently.   Lately, I’ve been putting the final touches on some preset lists by renaming many of the presets in the list(s) and this problem has ocurred frequently. 

        It seems that a preset will reset to blank (all 10 control knobs set to zero) almost every time I rename multiple preset names in a row without making any other changes to these presets.  This seems to happen whether I rename a preset from the preset-list screen or rename and save the preset within the individual preset screen itself.   The preset name does change and is remembered, but I often find that the settings for the preset(s) are all forgotten when I return to the renamed preset(s).

        What’s going on here? Does the rename function of the windows control app have some bugs?  Or am I doing something wrong?

      • #152944
        Eventide Staff
          apalazzolo wrote:

          What's going on here? Does the rename function of the windows control app have some bugs?  Or am I doing something wrong?

          Would you be able to take a short demo video? So I can follow that to reproduce this issue. Thank you.

        • #152959

            I just update many of the names in my master preset list.  To do that without losing preset data left and right,  I had to access my saved user presets by first selecting each algorithm and then the saved presets.  I was able to reliably rename the user presets that way.  Then I had to use the drag and drop feature to update my preset list(s).  

            So renaming user presets accessed via the individual algorithms worked fine but renaming user presets via preset lists was fraught with uncertainty and peril.  

            Is it possible that I need to uninstall the control app and reinstall it fresh?  Thanks for your consideration. 

          • #156915
            Eventide Staff

              Thanks for your detailed description. Now I can reproduce this problem. We'll look into it.

            • #156980

                Did this ever get sorted? It was happening to me a lot last year, and made me give up on the H9. I had created 52 preset starting patches (one for each algorithm) in a list, and after renaming many of them, they were all reset to zero values. I lost days of work and love for my H9. Been too scared to use the H9 Control app on my PC ever since…

              • #156982
                Eventide Staff

                  We'll look into this. Before we fix it, please rename your presets in the preset edit page for now, as apalazzolo said above.

                • #156984

                    Thanks, I’ll do some more testing here too.

                  • #157324

                      Seems to have fixed it here too with a quick test!


                      But I have also had the infuriating patch name not updating after saving thing too, would love to see that fixed as well.

                    • #157327
                      Eventide Staff

                        Hi apalazzolo & Hermetech,

                        Please try this version and let me know if it's working for you. Now the preset should be saved if you rename a preset and click the "Save" button in the preset edit view of the Preset List page. https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=ZLfLPQ38gBmNZpUU6FG61lcOA0fJ5h7P

                      • #157337
                        Eventide Staff

                          You're welcome. Let me know if you notice more issues.

                        • #157549


                            If there is going to be a general firmware/control-app update please consider adding ribbon controller capability to the output fader (like in the new stompboxes and plugins) to that too.  I know you’ve heard it before, but just had to ask once more since this could be the last update for the H9.

                            The ribbon controller and hotswitch are unbelievably effective/useful for playing live.   Almost all of my presets make use of them and output control is hugely important for playing live.  

                            I know a prior update added expression pedal control as “PARAMETER OPTIONS” but it just doesn’t work well.  It prevents use of the ribbon controller when engaged (a big sacrifice), it can’t be set for subtle changes, and it is glitchy in practice.   For these reasons, the prior fix is just not good enough to be in an Eventide product.  It’s not good enough for the H9.



                          • #152951
                              bohan wrote:

                              apalazzolo wrote:

                              What’s going on here? Does the rename function of the windows control app have some bugs?  Or am I doing something wrong?

                              Would you be able to take a short demo video? So I can follow that to reproduce this issue. Thank you.


                              Thanks for asking.  Unfortunately, I can’t make videos.  I can also offer that I’m using Window 8 and Windows 10 on different computers and the problem happens on both.  I was careful in describing the problem above so I think you should be able to replicate the issue(s).  Perhaps it will also help to say that the preset lists are all made from usrer presets that have been copied to user preset lists.  I select one preset and rename it, then repeat that for the next, then the next, and then the next.  If I then open the newly renamed presets, almost always, the first renamed preset is still in tact but all of the subsequent presets are reset to blank.   I hope that helps.  Thanks for considering this issue.  It’s really frustrating.

                            • #156874
                                bohan wrote:

                                apalazzolo wrote:

                                What’s going on here? Does the rename function of the windows control app have some bugs?  Or am I doing something wrong?

                                Would you be able to take a short demo video? So I can follow that to reproduce this issue. Thank you.

                                Again, I’m sorry I can’t post a video but I have done significant testing to identify the heart of the problem.  It lies in the “rename preset” feature available from the “more” menu WHILE VIEWING THE PRESET LIST SCREEN  (… the “rename preset” feature available when viewing an individual preset is NOT problematic; it works properly).   Almost any time I try to use the preset-list-rename feature my preset immediately goes blank (well, you have to open the individual preset page to see it). 

                                I’ve tested this under many circumstances 1. import a preset and rename; 2. modify a preset saved to user presets and rename; 3. modify a preset not saved to use presets and rename, 4. with a fresh reboot of the control app; 5. with a fresh reboot of my computers; 6. with Windows 7 and 10 computers; etc …    It is consistent and not hard to replicate.

                                I now avoid the aforementioned feature/problem like the plague and “save to user presets” often and “rename” from the individual preset screen.

                                Please consider whether there is a bug in the control software.  Thanks.



                              • #157309
                                Eventide Staff
                                  Hermetech wrote:

                                  Did this ever get sorted? It was happening to me a lot last year, and made me give up on the H9. I had created 52 preset starting patches (one for each algorithm) in a list, and after renaming many of them, they were all reset to zero values. I lost days of work and love for my H9. Been too scared to use the H9 Control app on my PC ever since…

                                  Hi Hermetech, can you please try this version and let me know if it fixes this problem? Thank you.


                                • #157310
                                  Eventide Staff
                                    apalazzolo wrote:

                                    I now avoid the aforementioned feature/problem like the plague and "save to user presets" often and "rename" from the individual preset screen.

                                    Please consider whether there is a bug in the control software.  Thanks.

                                    Hi apalazzolo, can you please try this version and let me know if it fixes this problem? Thank you.


                                  • #157315
                                      bohan wrote:

                                      apalazzolo wrote:

                                      I now avoid the aforementioned feature/problem like the plague and “save to user presets” often and “rename” from the individual preset screen.

                                      Please consider whether there is a bug in the control software.  Thanks.

                                      Hi apalazzolo, can you please try this version and let me know if it fixes this problem? Thank you.



                                      Nice work!  With limited testing, this seems to have solved the problem completely. 

                                      On to the next and similar problem (one that I have mentioned in a recent thread I started just for this other problem):

                                      With Windows 8 and the rename preset function WITHIN THE INDIVIDUAL PRESET SCREEN, preset changes (modifications to a preset) are not remembered if one also changes the preset name (and saves the preset) and then accesses another algorithm.  He is one scenario:

                                      Create new preset list

                                      Drag & drop any preset into slot 1 … select save and back

                                      Select the preset to enter the individual preset screen

                                      Modify preset knob settings … select rename preset … change name and save … (even save again if you wish … doesn’t matter) and select back

                                      Now you are at the new preset list screen again

                                      Select the algorithm tab at bottom of screen and select any algorithm

                                      Now you are viewing a preset in the individual preset screen … 

                                      Select back and you are at the algorithms screen again

                                      Select the preset list tab at bottom and select the newly created preset list …


                                      Select the one and only preset shown there … now you are in the individual preset screen



                                      The only way to avoid this failure to remember preset changes (after changing the name in the individual preset screen) is to copy the changed preset to user presets and then to manually place the new user preset back into the preset list

                                      This can’t be normal/intended

                                      Thanks for making great products and please consider solving this other problem as well!






                                    • #157328
                                        bohan wrote:

                                        Hi apalazzolo & Hermetech,

                                        Please try this version and let me know if it’s working for you. Now the preset should be saved if you rename a preset and click the “Save” button in the preset edit view of the Preset List page. https://share.eventide.com/wl/?id=ZLfLPQ38gBmNZpUU6FG61lcOA0fJ5h7P

                                        This works and it’s even better than you said.  I can change the knob setting and rename a preset WITHOUT SELECTING SAVE AGAIN and the settings and new name are both remembered.

                                        Thank you so much!

                                      • #157329
                                        Eventide Staff
                                          apalazzolo wrote:

                                          This works and it's even better than you said.  I can change the knob setting and rename a preset WITHOUT SELECTING SAVE AGAIN and the settings and new name are both remembered.

                                          Thank you so much!

                                          You're welcome. You should make sure you click the "Save" button. For example, if you make changes and then click the "Algorithms" tab, you may lose your changes.

                                        • #157333
                                            bohan wrote:

                                            apalazzolo wrote:

                                            This works and it’s even better than you said.  I can change the knob setting and rename a preset WITHOUT SELECTING SAVE AGAIN and the settings and new name are both remembered.

                                            Thank you so much!

                                            You’re welcome. You should make sure you click the “Save” button. For example, if you make changes and then click the “Algorithms” tab, you may lose your changes.

                                            I’ll watch out for that but I did specifically test for that concern before posting my comment and the changes did “stick”.  

                                            Once again, thanks for addressing these problems. 


                                          • #157545
                                              bohan wrote:

                                              You’re welcome. Let me know if you notice more issues.

                                              No new issues at the moment, but my friend is running H9 Control on his Mac.  So I was wondering whether he might need these new solutions or whether these problems never existed in the Mac version of Control.  Any thoughts on that?


                                            • #157546
                                              Eventide Staff
                                                apalazzolo wrote:

                                                No new issues at the moment, but my friend is running H9 Control on his Mac.  So I was wondering whether he might need these new solutions or whether these problems never existed in the Mac version of Control.  Any thoughts on that?

                                                We'll release an update for the Mac version soon.

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