why no multi-mono capable mono versions?

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    • #105243

      Posted by surroundsfx

      As i’ve been doing a lot of multichannel work lately i have become quite puzzled why there are no mono versions of Factory, Band Delay, Reverb and the Pitch-Shifters that i could insert as multi-mono multichannel plugins. I can work around this by splitting the multichannel files across several mono/stereo tracks, but this is really a lot of redundant work.
      This seems a rather…big omission. While i understand that it would be a lot of work to create all the multichannel variations from LCR, quad, 5.0, 5.1 to whatever, and that that might cause DSP issues (wouldn’t fit on one Accel chip i guess), i do not understand why there are no simple mono versions (where every mono instance could run on its own chip). Any chance we’ll see these? Or are they missing on purpose as “product separation” to the H8000FW (which has so many more features than the plugins that i doubt that multichannel pitchshifting in Anthology II would have *any* impact on its sales)?


    • #116883
      Eventide Staff


        Multi-mono version of those plug-ins are certainly not intentionally missing.  Since those effects tend to be stereo out in nature, we just never did mono out stems of them.  However your request makes a lot of sense and I'll add it as a feature request for a future update.

        In the meantime the work around will have to be what you are doing now, down mixing those stereo stems to mono, or just using 1 channel of each stereo output and setting your pans correctly.

        Thanks for the feedback and good luck with the plugs, let us know if there is anything else we can do for yo.

        Dan Gillespie

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