Why no RTAS Format?

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    • #107133

        So why no Eventide plug-in for Pro Tools LE users?

      • #120512
        Eventide Staff

          See previous replies on this subject. Essentially because our plugins borrow heavily from our hardware products and thus need an actual hardware dsp, as supplied by Protools HD.

          Obviously, we could totally rewrite the code for RTAS, and would like to, but  this would be an enormous amount of work, so will not happen this week.

        • #121237

            In which case hows about pairing up with TC Electronic and offering the plugins as VST on the powercore platform?

            (RTAS would be achieveable via the FXpansion VST RTAS Wrapper – this is how i use my TC Stuff in PT)

            As far as im aware the Powercores use the same DSP's as the PT Cards

            (this is how TC are able to offer TDM and VST powercore versions of their plugins with minimal re-writing).

            This is also how Access Music were able to make the TDM and powercore versions of their famous Virus synthesizer as the hardware virus also contained these DSP's.

            Hows about it?

            I think this would go some way to making a huge amount of Eventide users very happy as well as increasing Eventides sales by huge amounts (in my opinion),

            breathing new life into these great plugins.

            Go on you know you want to Big Smile

            oh and please offer a cheap cross grade to us TDM Anthology 2 owners Wink

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