Will the H9 work with the new Strymon Ojai power supply?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Will the H9 work with the new Strymon Ojai power supply?


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    • #114152

        Constantly struggling with 3 H9’s on my pedalboard with space for powering the wallwarts. Wondering if the new Strymon Ojai power supply will work as a solution and if so what type of cables would be necessary?

      • #146354


          I have one of these and it works perfectly.    The only thing you need to remember is that you will need a cable with a positive connector at one end.    The power supply does not come with one, but voodoo labs make one.  See here,




        • #148960

            I just bought the Strymon Zuma power supply and also bought the Voodo Lab DC power cable (thanks for that link!) – works just fine.  

            Although, sure hope the H9 (and Strymon) pedals have reverse DC protection!   At least the Voodo Lab cable has a red colored end – to give some indication the polarity is opposite.   

            Strymon Zuma powering Eventide H9

            • #148975
              Eventide Staff
                silver_mica wrote:

                Although, sure hope the H9 (and Strymon) pedals have reverse DC protection!

                Yes, Eventide pedals have power protection. 

                I recommend our own PowerMax, so you don't need to buy extra cables and it offers all cables for Strymon's and other brands' pedals. It's cheaper than Zuma and has higher current and voltage. Eventide PowerMax will be available in next Month. 

                Our PowerFactor 2 is also a good option. Now it's on sale for only $169. https://store.eventideaudio.com/collections/accessories/products/powerfactor-2

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