Word Clock Terminator

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    • #185548



        I will Clock my system using a “T” Adapter,   from the out of the Master WC Converter to the  WC input of the first using a “T” Adapter   and from the other end of the “T” Adapter to the  WC In of the next Digital Device and so on.

        My H9000 will be the last Digital Device, and I am using a Pro Tools card, but  the H9000  will use WC in….. with other Digital devices is recommended to use the Terminator at the other end of the “T” adapter of the last Digital Device.

        should be the same with the H9000?




      • #185553
        Eventide Staff

          No, this is not necessary. You can turn on the built-in “Word Clock Term” setting in the Emote settings. Be sure that you are using a 75 Ohm BNC cable.

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