Y cable to split EV5 expression pedal for MF and PF

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    • #110881

      I want to use my EV5 expression pedal to control both my Modfactor and Pitchfactor – at the same time. Without MIDI implementation.

      (I am quite happy to set up my favourite presets so that, if I want both pedals on, but only one receiving the controller data, I just edit the preset parameters so the exp control does not function. But most of the time one of the PF/MF is bypassed. If you follow…)

      So, surely I can just use a Y splitter cable from the EV5…? Any reason why not?

    • #124416
      Eventide Staff

        You should be able to use a "Y" lead as long as you can avoid creating ground loops.

      • #124417

        I was thinking I would make a little "one-stereo-in-three-stereo-out" box for this, in case I need to use the EV5 with something else as well.

        (Actually I was thinking of also making the same splitter for the FS 3X 3 button footswitch I have and mounting it in the same box… but I digress)

        If I was making a splitter for a pedal power cable I understand how lifting the ground on one of the connectors will eliminate ground loops, but with a passive balanced splitter like this are you hinting that there is some thing I should do to eliminate ground loops?

        Thanks for the reply by the way

      • #135334
        Eventide Staff

          I can't give any hints about avoiding ground loops – each setup is a thing in itself. I just wished to alert you to a potential problem if you couple the two stomps together via a shared pedal.

          Try it and see – it will probably be OK.

        • #135335

          Nick, can you explain to me why this should work?

          …others are saying it won't work and/or might damage pedals. I understand you cannot recommend I do it. But can explain how it works, how the voltage control works etc…?

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