Modeled on the original hardware unit from the early 1970s, the Instant Phaser plug-in simulates one of the first dedicated electronic effects units ever made. Producers and engineers put it to use on countless hit records to create stereo images from a single source and create swept comb filter effects similar to – yet distinct from – tape flanging. The Instant Phaser employed a series of eight, FET-based, carefully tuned analog all-pass filters which delivered lush phasing while preserving the original tone.

- Recreation of one of the first boxes to simulate tape flanging
- Modulation sources include Manual control, LFO, and Envelope Follower.
- Manually sweep by turning a knob.
- Save and recall favorite settings.
- MIDI control of sweep effect
- DOPPLER for vibrato effects
- Pseudo Stereo effect
The emulation of old analog gear sometimes happens in fits and starts. The current version of the PS101 Instant Phaser plug-in is not yet available stand-alone because it falls short of capturing the distinct organic sonic quality of the hardware. Anthology XI owners and Ensemble subscribers will be able to update for free when a more closely authentic realization of the PS101 is released.
Instant Stereo
While designing a solution to the costly and tedious job of setting up and implementing the special effect known as flanging in the 1970s, we discovered a new effect, now known as phasing. The Instant Phaser allowed this new effect to be created quickly and easily, and its innovative design allowed the effect to be varied by an Envelope Follower, Oscillator, or Remote control. The left and right outputs were also out-of-phase with respect to one another, resulting in a great stereo effect.

Artists Using PS101 Instant Phaser