Special effect looping. Quartertone steps increase in number and pitch over time.
Flex switch press brings the pitch of each step up to a semitone increment.
The loop eventually blurs, deconstructs, and decays with the barberpole-style rising pitch.
Expression Pedal Heel: Pitch A = 25 cents
Expression Pedal Heel: Pitch B = (-)25 cents
Expression Pedal Heel: Feedback = 100%
Expression Pedal Toe: Pitch A = 5 cents
Expression Pedal Toe: Pitch B = (-)5 cents
Expression Pedal Heel: Feedback = 0%
Deep vibrato echoes on offset loops that deconstruct over long decay times.
Flex switch doubles the pitch detuning at any given moment ('printed' within loops).
Expression pedal decreases detune while fading out loops to a single echo & slapback pair.