PitchFactor Presets
Everybody thinks it's fun to play a song like Jessica (Allman Brothers) with their H9 playing the Maj 3rd harmony along with them ... that is until the bridge changes modes. Then it's a train wreck. This preset and an expression allows the H9 to play through the bridge with you in A dorian and then back again. Naturally, this trick can also be used if a song merely modulates into different key or changes from ionian to mixolydian (and back), etc. But you can only make one change per song. But if you run midi, you can use that to change keys, harmonies, modes, etc. to your heart's content. 9/8/2022
Rhythmic bass-line generator.
Octaves with multi-fx sequences.
The QuadraVox algorithm is great for all kinds of pseudo-fingerpicking and added note effects; with or without constrained-to-scale pitch shifts. Pick cleanly, limit your out-of-scale passing tones, and stick with octaves & fifths (or fourths) for simple 'chord' work.
In this preset, 4 additional notes ascend with equal spacing, from +2nd to +5th. The far end of the expression pedal changes that note sequence from a 5th to an octave above. Over the range of the EXP PED, the groups of notes will change together, but not perfectly in sync with each other. That adds even more variety to the added note sequences.
Here, it's built around an E minor scale, and that works well with single note lines, dyads, and 'power chords'. I like to adapt this technique to some of the more exotic scales available, and switch the directions around to fit the song context. Pitch A,B,C, and D will be played in order, in alternating channels. A+C on the left, and B+D on the right.
Square tremolo.
Strum-like glitches.
Pedal steel-like bends that aren't confined to any genre. Envelope control over pitch bend.
Change Pitch A, Pitch B, and Mod Depth together for effects ranging from subtle doubling to extreme pitch sweeps. To land at unison, match the negative pitch shifter values to the positive Mod Depth value. Adjust Mod Sens to your playing style, and desired frequency of effect. [Inspired by an ADR III FX module]
I added some optional EXP PED control to fade in dotted 1/8 against 1/4 note echoes.
(It's possible to "shuffle" the shifted repeats with active expression pedal movements.)
Delay A Heel: NO DLY
Delay B Heel: NO DLY
Feedback Heel: 0
Delay A Toe: DOTTED 1/8
Delay B Toe: 1/4
Feedback Toe: 50
'Bowed' fade in tremolo.
Slices that build in volume quickly. Octaves up and down.
Slow pitch jumping with bursts of fuzz.
Glitchy groove with octave jumping and glide.
Pitch jumping and gliding choppy tremolo with multi-fx sequences.
Glitchy, broken random FX sequences.
The leading part solo
This preset is part of a set of three. Crystal Blue is designed to run after my "Pipe Organ" preset to add more color and ambience. The Pipe Organ preset is here:
The third preset in the set is the Fat H9 preset from the H910 H949 Algo. I run that in front of the pipe organ to give the clean guitar sound more presence. The overall effect of all three presets running together on three H9s is a really lush mix of guitar and an organ/synth pad.
YouTuber ciclosonico (whose channel is loaded with creative H9 snippets) gave me a few excellent Boss Dimension C presets and now I'm giving them to you. I may have added a delay in there or some other feature but they are otherwise his impressive work. 9/8/2022
YouTuber ciclosonico (whose channel is loaded with creative H9 snippets) gave me a few excellent Boss Dimension C presets and now I'm giving them to you. I may have added a delay in there or some other feature but they are otherwise his impressive work. 9/8/2022