Two 'ramp up' tremolos, one twice the speed of the other.
Minor harmony.
Using the DualVerb algorithm is one way to 'split the FREEZE'. Two independent reverb drones; separated into higher and lower EQ focus here. The HotSwitch shifts both A-DECAY and B-DECAY from 4 BAR to FREEZE. The expression pedal 'bends pitch' for the lower frequency drone [Reverb B] by changing the SIZE of only one reverb. This 'pitch bend' works with either the default DECAY(s), or on the droning FREEZE, while the higher frequencies [Reverb A] pass through (relatively) unaffected.
Resonator sequence with freeze mapped to HOTSWITCH.
Use the HOTSWITCH to activate a freeze effect.
Need a secret weapon in your sonic arsenal? Get to know the DynaVerb algorithm. I've been carving out string ensemble, space FX, gated and envelope shaping presets with it, and there's still something new to discover each time. And, of course, it happens to also do INFINITE & FREEZE. With two-band EQ, and a complete set of tools in the OmniPressor.
Similar to the Ducked Delay preset, input notes will control the entrance & exit of frozen sound. But the process is over a full-featured reverb, which will make for a smoother drone. The 'envelope' of the reverb increases level gradually here, but then drops out fairly quickly when it senses the next input note. With a little tweaking, this preset could become a decent crescendo / orchestral emulation.
The HotSwitch triggers a drastic change. Gradual 'verb buildup switches to near-instant RELEASE (from 0.250 S to 0.005 S). ATTACK is fine-tuned from 0.075 S to 0.125 S. These settings worked out best for me, at that particular THRESHOLD level, and with the input levels that I'm giving it to work with. Always tweak these 3 controls together to your own taste. OMNI-RATIO is the key to discrete effects, and a change there usually means re-tweaking THRESHOLD, ATTACK, and RELEASE.
The expression pedal adds the DECAY - INFINITE - FREEZE variations, and will default back to a meaty 15 seconds until fadeout. And a quick note: You can always use SIZE as a variable for bending the apparent pitch of these frozen sounds. A little goes a long way here. Limit the range of a SIZE sweep, after selecting your up-or-down direction. Short throws can sound just as omninous. A large, fast SIZE change freaks out the reverb, and comes across as noisy with artifacts.
That is, unless you're actually looking for noisy artifacts ...
Pitched up. Noisy. Buzzy.
Splatty fuzz tremolo.
Octave down fuzz sequence.
This GATE CRASHER preset simulates an EHX Freeze technique [Fast toggle - instant attack & instant decay]. Use it with chords for synthesizer 'orchestra hits', or palm-muted to bring back memories of the ubiquitous '80's drum sound. The relatively high THRESHOLD setting ensures that most - but not all - notes get the gated 'verb treatment.
The expression pedal mappings lengthen the compression envelope times in a wetter mix. It blends toward a softened ambient room. Still gating, but with rounded edges. The 1:1 ratio on the HotSwitch effectively disables the gate effects, and brings up a brighter large room.
TRIGGER sets the gate's input sensitivity in UltraTap's CHOP multi-parameter. The RELEASE time for the gate is at its shortest setting. The burst of TAPS creates a very short attack that quickly clamps down after 150 milliseconds (LENGTH).
The expression pedal increases the maximum time span that contains the series of delay taps. It sweeps through resonant tones, bow-scrapes, clipped delays, individual glitches, and slowdown effects without changes in pitch. The HotSwitch brings up more dry signal, blurs the TAPS with some diffusion & modulation, and lengthens the time to gate closing.
Glide down + tremolo.
This GlidingDotted8th preset is a slightly tamer variation on the RubberBandGlitch settings above. A perfect 4th quickly slides down to Unison, while the 5th glides upwards to an octave.
The pitch shifts are spread against dotted 1/8 and 1/4 note delays. I added a little Feedback here, but I usually program that parameter in the expression pedal for a range of 0 to 100.
Random glitch effects. Expression pedal mapped to DYNAMICS and LENGTH.
Glitchy groove.
Subtly detuned delays. Expression pedal controls delay times.
Use With
Chorus, Crystals, Digital Delay, H910 H949, Hall, ModEchoVerb, Shimmer, Tape Echo, Vintage Delay
Chorus, Crystals, Digital Delay, H910 H949, Hall, ModEchoVerb, Shimmer, Tape Echo, Vintage Delay